Photo of Daniel Varro

Daniel Varro


My research primarily focuses on the design and assurance of critical software-intensive cyber-physical systems, model-based systems engineering and quality assurance for machine learning software.

Short bio

 I am a WASP full professor of software engineering at Linköping University (Sweden), a professor (on leave) at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), and an adjunct professor at McGill University (Canada) where I was a full professor between 2016 and 2022. I am a former research chair on cyber-physical systems within the Lendület program awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I was a visiting researcher at SRI International (USA), University of Paderborn and TU Berlin (Germany), and a visiting professor at McGill University and Université de Montréal (Canada).

I am currently the Steering Committee vice chair of the IEEE/ACM MODELS conference, and serve on the editorial board of the Software and Systems Modeling journal. I was a program committee co-chair of FASE 2013, ICMT 2014, SLE 2016 and MODELS 2021 conferences. I delivered keynote talks at CSMR 2012, SOFSEM 2016 and SAM 2021 conferences and at various international workshops. Seven papers I co-authored received a Distinguished or Best Paper award at major international conferences, and three of my papers received a 10-year Most Influential Paper Award. I was the main supervisor of 9 graduated PhD students, and co-supervisor for 8 further successful PhD students.

I am a co-founder of IncQuery Labs, an innovative technology-intensive company. I was also co-founder of several open source software projects, including the VIATRA model query and transformation framework, MASSIF integration framework for Matlab, and the Refinery graph solver and generator.



Aren A. Babikian, Oszkar Semerath, Daniel Varro (2024) Concretization of Abstract Traffic Scene Specifications Using Metaheuristic Search IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 50, p. 48-68 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Boqi Chen, Fandi Yi, Daniel Varro (2023) Prompting or Fine-tuning? A Comparative Study of Large Language Models for Taxonomy Construction 2023 ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODEL DRIVEN ENGINEERING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS COMPANION, MODELS-C, p. 588-596 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Shiva Nejati, Daniel Varro (2023) Guest editorial for the special section on MODELS 2021 Software and Systems Modeling (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Boqi Chen, Kua Chen, Shabnam Hassani, Yujing Yang, Daniel Amyot, Lysanne Lessard, Gunter Mussbachcr, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh, Daniel Varro (2023) On the Use of GPT-4 for Creating Goal Models: An Exploratory Study 2023 IEEE 31ST INTERNATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS, REW, p. 262-271 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Fozail Ahmad, Maruthi Rangappa, Neeraj Katiyar, Martin Staniszewski, Daniel Varro (2023) Hybrid Cloudification of Legacy Software for Efficient Simulation of Gas Turbine Designs 2023 IEEE/ACM 45TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING IN PRACTICE, ICSE-SEIP, p. 384-395 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


News item on WASP's external website 

2023-09-29: Dániel Varró – Critical Software-Intensive Systems


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