I am a WASP full professor of software engineering at Linköping University (Sweden), a professor (on leave) at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), and an adjunct professor at McGill University (Canada) where I was a full professor between 2016 and 2022. I am a former research chair on cyber-physical systems within the Lendület program awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I was a visiting researcher at SRI International (USA), University of Paderborn and TU Berlin (Germany), and a visiting professor at McGill University and Université de Montréal (Canada).
I am currently the Steering Committee vice chair of the IEEE/ACM MODELS conference, and serve on the editorial board of the Software and Systems Modeling journal. I was a program committee co-chair of FASE 2013, ICMT 2014, SLE 2016 and MODELS 2021 conferences. I delivered keynote talks at CSMR 2012, SOFSEM 2016 and SAM 2021 conferences and at various international workshops. Seven papers I co-authored received a Distinguished or Best Paper award at major international conferences, and three of my papers received a 10-year Most Influential Paper Award. I was the main supervisor of 9 graduated PhD students, and co-supervisor for 8 further successful PhD students.
I am a co-founder of IncQuery Labs, an innovative technology-intensive company. I was also co-founder of several open source software projects, including the VIATRA model query and transformation framework, MASSIF integration framework for Matlab, and the Refinery graph solver and generator.