Photo of Mikael Asplund

Mikael Asplund

Senior Associate Professor

My research is focused on security and dependability of cyber-physical systems.


My research is focused on security and dependability of cyber-physical systems. This includes formal reasoning about security and correctness properties, designing new protocols and algorithms, and evaluation using simulation and realistic testbeds. Relevant application areas include intelligent transportation systems, smart grids, and autonomous systems.

I teach in courses such as discrete structures, cybersecurity, concurrent programming and operating systems, and ethical hacking. I’m the coordinator for a two-year Master’s programme in Cybersecurity and a five-years Master’s programme in Information technology.

For updated information about research activities see

My background in brief

Short CV

  • Docent in Computer Science, LiU 2018
  • Assistant Professor, LiU, 2011-2015
  • Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, 2011-2012
  • Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in computer science, LiU, 2011
  • Licentiate degree in computer science, LiU, 2007
  • Graduate Student in computer science, LiU, 2005-2011
  • Master of computer science and engineering, LiU, 2005

Research Projects (selected)

  • Protocol security verification using dynamic key structures, 2023-2028, funded by ELLIIT, Principal investigator (PI)
  • DDoS detection in 5G/6G networks, 2023-2028, funded by ELLIIT, co-PI
  • Automating Security Assurance using Formal Methods, 2022-2027, funded by WASP, PI
  • Adaptive Software for the Heterogeneous Edge-Cloud Continuum (ASTECC), 2022-2027, funded by SSF, co-PI
  • Triple-A: Securing First Encounters, 2022-2026, funded by WASP, PI
  • Sustainable Energy with Adaptive Security (SEAS), 2021-2023, funded by Vinnova, PI


  • Coordinator for Master’s programme in Cybersecurity
  • Chair for the planning group of Master of Science in Information Technology
  • Co-chair of the board of education for computer and media at LiU
  • Responsible for the Programming and Algorithms Master profile
  • Research coordinator for Ride the future (, 2020-2022
  • SACO union representative at the Computer Science Department at LiU 2017-2022




Ahmad Usman, Nigel Cole, Mikael Asplund, Felipe Boeira, Christian Vestlund (2023) Remote Attestation Assurance Arguments for Trusted Execution Environments
Ahmad Usman, Nigel Cole, Mikael Asplund, Felipe Boeira, Christian Vestlund (2023) Remote Attestation Assurance Arguments for Trusted Execution Environments PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 ACM WORKSHOP ON SECURE AND TRUSTWORTHY CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS, SAT-CPS 2023, p. 33-42 Continue to DOI
Felipe Boeira, Mikael Asplund, Marinho Barcellos (2023) Provable Non-Frameability for 5G Lawful Interception PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH ACM CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN WIRELESS AND MOBILE NETWORKS, WISEC 2023, p. 109-120 Continue to DOI
Felipe Boeira, Mikael Asplund, Marinho Barcellos (2023) Provable Non-Frameability for 5G Lawful Interception Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
Johannes Wilson, Mikael Asplund, Niklas Johansson (2023) Extending the Authentication Hierarchy with One-Way Agreement 2023 IEEE 36th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), p. 214-228 Continue to DOI




Cyber security and critical systems reliability

Our financial systems, electrical systems and transport systems are controlled by software. There are many examples of what the consequences could be if these systems are hacked. Mikael Asplund at the Department of Computer and Information Science speaks about cyber security and how artificial intelligence can be used to make systems more secure.

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