05 June 2024

The Högbom-Cocozza Foundation is donating approximately SEK 1.5 million to Child Studies at Linköping University. The donation is intended to fund a postdoctoral position for two years.

Child hopscotching

– The donation will allow us to strengthen one of our research areas. Regardless of which area it will be, it will lead to a positive development of Child Studies' research activities, says Karin Zetterqvist Nelson, Professor at Child Studies.

The total donation of SEK 1.52 million, to be distributed over two years, comes from Catharina Högbom’s and Michael Cocozza’s foundation for research and culture in Linköping municipality. The purpose of the grant is to support a vibrant research environment at Linköping University, give outstanding young researchers the opportunity to establish and strengthen their research, and promote research that can positively contribute to the development of society.

David Einar

Unlike many other research grants, this one is not tied to a specific project. This gives Child Studies the freedom to decide which research area to strengthen.

– We are now beginning the process of identifying and formulating a project that is both socially relevant and current, and which will also help to develop our research environment in new directions. We already have some ideas and will then look for the most competent person possible to implement this, says Mats Andrén, Head of Department at Child Studies.

Child Studies

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