26 November 2021

Ten researchers from Linköping University have been awarded grants from Formas – a Swedish research council for sustainable development. The projects explore everything from digital inclusion and sustainable urban transformation to the migration of domestic workers.

The picture is taken from ground level, the environment is mirrored in a puddle. Yellow leaves are on the ground. In the background a person on a bike and a campus building.
Photographer: Charlotte Perhammar

For this year’s open call, Formas will provide funds totalling SEK 630 million to 189 projects, for research that can help achieve sustainable development.

Six of the ten LiU researchers were successful in the ‘Research projects’ category, and four in the ‘Research projects for early career researchers’ category. The researchers in the first group will receive SEK 3 million each:

  • Elin Wihlborg, Department of Management and Engineering. Project: Digital inkludering - Analyser Policyer Praktiker [Digital inclusion – Analyses Policies Practices].
  • Paula Mählck, Department of Culture and Society. Project: Arbete till varje pris? En etnografiskt undersökning av migrationsindustrin av hushållsarbetare mellan Kenya och Gulfstaterna [Work at any price? An ethnographic study of the migration industry for domestic workers between Kenya and the Gulf states].
  • Teresia Svensson, Department of Thematic Studies. Project: Exponering av halogenerade organiska föreningar via mat [Exposure of halogenated organic compounds by way of food].
  • David Bastviken, Department of Thematic Studies. Project: Desinfektionsbiprodukter i dricksvatten – nya ansatser för att kartlägga och reducera exponering [Disinfection by-products in drinking water – new efforts to map and reduce exposure].
  • Stefan Anderberg, Department of Management and Engineering. Project: Hållbar stadsomvandling – Om att integrera innovativ infrastrukturteknik i stadsplaningsprocesser [Sustainable urban transformation – Integrating innovative infrastructure in urban planning processes].
  • Maria Bratt Börjesson, institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling. Project: Hur påverkas bilresande och bilinnehav av bättre kollektivtrafik, järnväg och väginvesteringar i stad och land?

The recipients of grants for ‘Research projects for early career researchers’ are:

  • Benjamin Jarvis, Department of Management and Engineering. Approx. SEK 4 million. Project: Ett bostadslandskap i förvandling: hur bostadsbyggande och ombildning till bostadsrätt påverkar bostadssegregerande processer [A housing landscape in transition – how housing construction and the conversion of rental units to resident-owned units affects segregational processes].
  • Renee Kroon, Department of Science and Technology. SEK 4 million. Project: Enzymkatalys för hållbar syntes av konjugerade monomerer [Enzyme catalysis for sustainable synthesis of conjugated monomers].
  • Therese Asplund, Department of Thematic Studies. SEK 3.3 million. Project: Att uppleva inre transformation för klimat och hållbarhet - berättelser om jagets samhörighet [Experiencing inner transformation for climate and sustainability – narratives on the belonging of the self].
  • Jelena Kurilova-Palisaitiene, Department of Management and Engineering. SEK 4 million. Project: Skiftet mot återtillverkning: Nyttiggörande av återtillverkningspotentialen inom business-to-customer (B2C) -sektorn för tillverkningsindustrin i Sverige [The shift to remanufacturing – Utilisation of remanufacturing potential in the business-to-customer (B2C) sector for the manufacturing industry in Sweden].

Formas received a total of 1,480 applications in this year’s open call for funding.

The article was updated 2021-11-26.

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