Horizons – LiU in Kenya
“I hope the exhibition will spark a sense of adventure in students and staff, and make them interested in travel, especially to Kenya, but also to other countries. That they get a feeling of how rewarding it is, both personally and professionally, to spend time in another culture”, says Anna Nilsen.
“We’re delighted and proud to host an exhibition that shows how LiU reaches out, and is influenced by other parts of the world and other realities. And for our students at the University Hospital Campus, it’s a way to approach and make use of the opportunities they have to travel out into the world.”
She points out that LiU’s libraries have always hosted exhibitions, but that in recent years these exhibitions have become a more regular channel for communicating the breadth of LiU research.
“It enables researchers to reach out to students and other groups. We want to be a channel through which LiU’s research can be marketed.”
Healthcare exchange
In addition to the exchange between LiU and Moi, the exhibition presents photographs from the healthcare exchange between Region Östergötland and the Moi Hospital, the LiU-supported school KenSwed Academy, and the Nairobi-based eco-business Opibus, founded by LiU students.