“The equipment collects viruses. The method is in the process of being commercialised, and we believe that it can be used in public spaces such as hospitals, waiting rooms, airports and other places where many people gather. It may be particularly useful during periods of an active outbreak.”
Together with other researchers in Sweden, we have recently submitted a joint application for research funding to the EU. The EU published a call for applications with a very short deadline, three weeks. It has allocated SEK 100 million for research projects around the new coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease.
“Yes, there’s no middle way. We must have the virus to learn more about it. We plan to work with the human SARS-CoV-2 virus in the high-security laboratory (BSL3) we have here at LiU. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is prepared to share the virus for the purposes of research.”
“Here, we are trying to find out why some people become sick and not others. In particular, we study the genetic component of susceptibility to virus infections. We all know someone who seems to have a perpetual cold. And this can’t be because they always manage to choose the wrong seat on the bus every morning”, he says with a smile.
Lennart Svensson has been committed to global health for many years, and has established contacts in Brazil and Nicaragua, among other places. Diagnosis is crucial to preventing the spread of infection. At the beginning of March 2020, he was in Nicaragua to set up diagnostic procedures for the coronavirus.
“We believe that we can be first to be able to diagnose patients with coronavirus in Central America. It would be naïve to believe that the virus is not present in certain parts of the world simply because no cases have been reported. Actually, this is because it has not been possible to diagnose it. We took chemical reagents with us, established the diagnostic procedures, and trained the personnel.”
“I come from such a research tradition at KI and I have an interest in global health. Part of this is to help when disease hits other countries, and thus contribute to better health. For the past 30 years we have been collaborating with a research group in Nicaragua, and we hold courses and workshops every year. We also exchange doctoral students and post docs.”
“A vaccine will be developed, but it may take several years. Approximately 80% of the development period is used for testing the vaccine to ensure its quality and avoid undesired effects. And it’s possible that the virus can die out of itself during this period.”