18 June 2019

Tim Cornelissen, from the department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, IFM, is one of the young researchers invited to this year’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany. 580 undergraduates, doctoral students, and postdocs will have the opportunity to meet and discuss science with Nobel laureates.

Tim Cornelissen
Tim Cornelissen Photographer: Thor Balkhed
“I was delighted to hear that I had passed the selection to attend the meeting. On top of that, I’ve also been selected as one of the 30 participants to present our work with a poster and a pitch presentation to all participants and laureates, so that makes it extra special”, says Tim Cornelissen, doctoral student in the group Complex Materials and Devices.

His research deals with new ferroelectric materials, and the presentation continues from work he published in Science Advances in the autumn of 2017. In the previous article, the scientists, under the leadership of Professor Martijn Kemerink, revealed a material whose conductivity can be switched on and off by the ferroelectric polarisation.

“We have continued working on this to reach a better understanding of this type of material and have designed more materials with similar behaviour”, says Tim Cornelissen, who is looking forward to the meeting.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting has been held every year since 1951. The aim has remained the same through the years: to give promising young researchers the opportunity to meet and discuss with Nobel laureates. Between 500 and 600 undergraduates, doctoral students and postdocs are invited each year, following a selection process. The meeting focusses on physiology and medicine, physics, or chemistry, and every third year a meeting centred on economic sciences is also held. The meeting this year, 30 June-5 July, is devoted to physics, in particular cosmology, laser physics and gravitational waves.

More information about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Translated by George Farrants


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