03 October 2024

The doctoral thesis by Nicklas Ennab Vogel is about making stroke health care more efficient. The social costs of stroke diseases are large. Suffering a stroke often has far-reaching consequences for the individual patient as well as for the next of kin. The time from becoming ill to the correct treatment in the emergency phase can be life-changing.

Photographer: www.mujo.se


Thrombectomy is an emergency treatment for patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke, where the blood clot is removed with a thin surgical instrument. Patients who are successfully treated with thrombectomy have a good chance of a full recovery after the illness, but the introduction of the treatment into the healthcare system is still lacking.

Nicklas Ennab Vogel.
Nicklas Ennab Vogel.

The thesis presents the most cost-effective solutions for implementing thrombectomy in stroke care in Sweden. The solutions include optimal placement of both ambulance helicopters and thrombectomy operations. The presented solutions are significantly more cost-effective than today's and lead to major health gains for patients.

Read more about how combining health economics, operational analysis, and medicine can be a powerful modeling tool for planning and evaluation in prehospital emergency care.

Read the thesis.


Contact researcher Nicklas Ennab Vogel at CARER, Linköping University for more information: nicklas.ennab.vogel@liu.se

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