22 August 2019

Linköping University will celebrate the opening of Studenthuset with a full festival week, starting with an opening ceremony on 30 August and ending with the Kalas event to welcome new students at Campus Valla on 5 September.

Studenthuset on Campus Valla in Linköping
Studenthuset on Campus Valla in Linköping Anna Nilsen

Construction of this long-desired building is now complete and Vice-Chancellor Helen Dannetun is looking forward to the opening.

“It’s a great feeling now that the opening is finally here. And we’re so happy to have a building for all student services in the centre of Campus Valla. It has been designed with the needs of students in mind, with study places, opportunities for relaxation and recovery, and meeting places. Here, everything from Student Health to the Office of Degree Administration is collected in one place. And the building itself has been awarded the highest environmental certification. I hope that as many people as possible take the opportunity to come to the opening, and experience the building themselves”, she says.

The first spade in the ground for the construction of Studenthuset took place in May 2017. Sofia Ritenius is president of the board of StuFF, the student union for the field of educational science and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She comments:

“It’s an amazing building. There was a certain scepticism when the decision was taken several years ago, since we always want to see more money being spent on our education, but now that it’s here and we can see how practical and flexible it is, well, then it appears to be money well spent. Our students will benefit from the study places and all the other opportunities offered.”

Ludwig Modahl Edström, president of the LinTek student union, says that Studenthuset is an example of the willingness to listen shown by Linköping University.

“LinTek is extremely satisfied with the result, and in particular the way in which the project as a whole has been carried out. The university has shown great sensitivity during the project, and it’s just great to see how their awareness of the students has given such good results. The many uses of the building will become apparent during the festival week, but we are already convinced that the facilities for meetings and study are of the highest international standard.”

The programme for the festival week is packed with inspiring, informative and playful activities. The building will also be open to the public during the weekend. The activities include guided tours, music, seminars with external speakers and workshops. The public lectures and seminars (to be held in Swedish) include, for example, “Hunden – forskarens bästa vän” and ”AI berör oss alla”. The programme also includes a number of inspiring seminars related to the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals, of which the first is “Goal 12, Responsible consumption and production”. A seminar on this will be held (in Swedish) on the opening day.

There will be guided tours in the building three times a day Monday 2 – Wednesday 4 September. The complete programme is available here.

More about Studenthuset and the week of celebration

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