
Linnéa Stenliden


My main research interests are information visualization, geovisual analytics and learning.

In a very short time, artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted the entire educational landscape. This transformation means that AI and new technologies are changing not only how we learn but also how we develop knowledge and understand our surrounding world.

Remember, as AI has the potential to both enrich and challenge traditional learning methods, it may in turn affect our identity and our relationships with one another and the world. In other words, using AI in learning processes affects who we are as human beings, education has always shaped human mankind. So, as machines begin to contribute to learning processes and perform tasks that previously required solely human intelligence, we must ask: What knowledge becomes important for humans? How should human learning take place? What defines creativity and human uniqueness?

To address these questions, we need to explore several key areas:

  • Tailored Learning: How can AI analyze students' performance to create customized tasks that optimize learning and increase engagement?
  • Access to Information: In what ways does AI's ability to make large volumes of information accessible and analyze it change our approaches to seeking and acquiring knowledge, as well as what we deem important to learn?

Research projects

Children using system AI Chatbot in compute.

AI Literacy for Swedish Primary Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating children's and young people's leisure and education. This research project provides a scientifically based foundation for AI literacy in schools.

AI written on blue background.

AI literacy in Swedish Teacher Education

This project focuses on AI literacy in Swedish teacher education, mainly what AI literacy in Swedish teacher education means in terms of knowledge and competences needed for schoolteachers future working lives.

Hands of robot and kid hand touching each other with data network connection background.

AI literacy in Teacher Education

The rapid technological advances made in the past few years, and the development of new AI-tools, underscores the importance of enhancing teachers' competences. This project contributes to the development of AI literacy and new teaching methods.

Previous research projects



Mattias Arvola, Anna Martín Bylund, Linnéa Stenliden (2024) Jump around or sit still and read: Physical activity and reading in primary school Journal of Literary Education, Vol. 8, p. 49-67 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Linnéa Stenliden, Katarina Sperling (2024) Breaking the Magic of Automation and Augmentation in Swedish Classrooms Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, Vol. 10, p. 15-32 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Katarina Sperling, Carl-Johan Stenberg, Cormac Mcgrath, Anna Akerfeldt, Fredrik Heintz, Linnéa Stenliden (2024) In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION OPEN, Vol. 6, Article 100169 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Cornelia Linderoth, Magnus Hultén, Linnéa Stenliden (2024) Competing visions of artificial intelligence in education-A heuristic analysis on sociotechnical imaginaries and problematizations in policy guidelines Policy Futures in Education, Vol. 22, p. 1662-1678 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Bylund, Linnéa Stenliden (2024) Closer to the senses in post-pandemic teacher training - Reclaiming the body in online educational encounters Education and Information Technologies: Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education, Vol. 29, p. 3133-3154 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Supervisor PhD students

Events and Presentations



  • Stenliden, L. (2024). Bridging the Gap: Exploring AI literacy for Teachers and Students in a Transformative Educational Landscape, KEYNOTE: EJEA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024 on “Future Knowledge and Competence for AI-driven Innovation in Europe and Japan”. 6 november 2024 Linköping.
  • Sperling, K & Stenliden, L (2024). What literacy? An integrative review of AI education in middle school. Presentation at 3rd International Symposium on Digital Transformation, 14th of September, Växjö University.
  • Stenliden, L. (2024). AI literacy for student teachers Possibilities and challenges of implementing AI in teacher education. PRESENTATION AT ECIU: Lunch & Learn, April 24th, 2024.
  • Stenliden, L. (2024). Connecting the dots: exchange of perspective and practices – International collaboration initiative. RESEARCH INITIATIVE for researchers at Johannes Keppler University, Austria. Campus Norrköping, March 21 st 2024.
  • Stenliden, L., (2024). (Ad)ventures in AI education. SYMPOSIUMARRANGÖR at NERA March 5 - 7, 2024, Malmö.
  • Stenliden, L., et al. (2024). Digital media in Education – on going research at Linköping university, COLLABORATIVE INITIATIVE and presentation together with a research group at Linné University, 12th of January, Växjö.


  • Stenliden, L., et al. (2023). (Co)designing AI literacy for Swedish Teacher Education. Swedish Edtest, KEYNOTE, online event, 21st November 2023.
  • Invited Panel list for “Living with AI in Education – Mapping Future Pathways”. Workshop for the WASP-HS annual conference “Living with AI – Critical Questions for the Social Sciences and the Humanities, 14th-15th November 2023, Malmö., 14th-15th November 2023, Malmö.
  • Stenliden, L. (2023). AI literacy in K12 and Teacher Education. Keynote, Högskolan Lärande och kommunikation, 9th November 2023, Jönköping.
  • Invited guest to ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION around ”Digital teaching tools in Swedish education” with SCHOOL MINISTER LOTTA EDHOLM at Swedish Ministry of Education, 6th November, Stockholm.
  • Stenliden, L. (2023). AI literacy in K12 and Teacher Education. Third international workshop on computational thinking, coding skills and AI in schools (Round table), 30th October 2023, Växjö.
  • Stenliden, L. (2023). AI literacy in K12 and Teacher Education. Utbilda för en värld med AI. AI Sweden and Linköping municipality, 5th October 2023, Linköping.
    Inbjuden deltagare i Riksdagsseminarium – Skolans likvärdighet, ett samarrangemang med Berättarministeriet, 4 oktober, 2023, Stockholm.
  • Bodén, U. & Stenliden, L. (2023). The construction of interactive and multimodal reading in school — a performative, collaborative and dynamic reading. ICOM-11, International Conference on Multimodality: Designing Futures, London, 27th – 29th September 2023, London.



Research Network
