
Robert Braun

Associate Professor

Efficient and accurate computer simulations of new products is becoming increasingly important. My research and teaching focuses in increasing the knowledge of new methods and tools for computer simulation.

Distributed simulation for efficient product development

My research is focused on distributed simulation methods. This includes simulation tool coupling (co-simulation), parallel simulation and parallel simulation-based optimization. 

I defended my doctoral thesis “Distributed system simulation methods: For Model-Based Product Development” in December 2015. My current employment is shared between Linköping University, SICS, East Swedish ICT and SKF.

I also have an interest in simulation-based teaching. I teach mainly in undergraduate courses in mechatronics and hydraulics.

I am also one of the main developers of Hopsan, an open-source simulation tool for fluid and mechatronic systems.


Different simulation tools are often intended for different purposes. Thus, a single simulation tool is often not sufficient for simulating the whole product. Instead, different tools must be coupled to an aggregated model. This puts high demands on numerical stability, performance and user interfaces.

Parallel simulation

Benefits with simulation is often limited by long execution times. Parallel simulation on multiple processor cores or computer clusters can greatly increase simulation speed. Challenges include load balancing and minimization of overhead costs.

Parallel optimization

An especially demanding use for simulation is simulation-based optimization. My research in this field focuses mainly on parallel methods of direct-search algorithms for low-dimension optimization problems.



Robert Braun, Robert Hällqvist, Dag Fritzson (2024) Transmission line modeling co-simulation with distributed delay-size control using steady-state identification Engineering with Computers, Vol. 40, p. 301-312 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Magnus Landberg, Magnus Sethson, Robert Braun, Petter Krus (2023) An actuator system to control multiple surfaces in a morphing wing
Robert Hällqvist, Magnus Eek, Robert Braun, Petter Krus (2023) Toward Objective Assessment of Simulation Predictive Capability Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 20, p. 1-16 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Robert Hällqvist, Raghu Chaitanya Munjulury, Robert Braun, Magnus Eek, Petter Krus (2022) Realizing Interoperability between MBSE Domains in Aircraft System Development Electronics, Vol. 11, Article 2901 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Robert Braun, Dag Fritzson (2022) Numerically robust co-simulation using transmission line modeling and the Functional Mock-up Interface Simulation (San Diego, Calif.), Vol. 98, p. 1057-1070, Article 00375497221097128 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Ongoing research projects

  • OpenCPS – Open Cyber-Physical System Model-Driven Certified Development
  • EU project within co-simulering with several academic and industrial partners.
  • Co-workers
