06 July 2022

Justinas Palisaitis, who works at the research infrastructure in advanced electron microscopy, ARTEMI, has been appointed to Research Infrastructure Fellow 2022. The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research is funding the grant.

Ångströmhuset at Linköping University from above.Ångströmhuset at Linköping University. Photo credit Magnus Johansson The programme Research Infrastructure Fellows 2 aims to contribute to career development paths for individuals working with the development and operation of research infrastructure at Swedish universities. This year, seven grants were awarded. Each comprises SEK 15 million over five years. One of the grants has been awarded to Justinas Palisaitis, principal research engineer at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM). He works within ARTEMI (Atomic Resolution TEM Infrastructure of Sweden), a national piece of infrastructure in advanced electron microscopy, funded by the Swedish Research Council. LiU is the host university, with nodes in Lund, Gothenburg, Uppsala and Stockholm.Justinas Palisaitis.Justinas Palisaitis. Photo credit Lejla KronbäckLinkoping University

“My role is to facilitate access to the advanced microscopy tools within ARTEMI and to develop dynamical microscopy investigation methodologies which will be offered to the user community. With this grant, there are exciting times ahead!” says Justinas Palisaitis.

Electron microscopy enables researchers to investigate materials in extreme detail – down to subatomic precision. The method is a crucial tool for materials research at LiU and is employed in the development of materials needed for the transition to a more sustainable future. Possible applications are, among others, energy storing, production of hydrogen gas for energy production and carbon capture and storage.

A new advanced electron microscope is on its way to ARTEMI. If everything goes according to plans, it will be installed next year.

“It will enable the investigation of materials with unprecedented spatial and chemical resolution, which is currently unavailable at LiU. The microscope will make a significant contribution to the ongoing and planned research on the novel sustainable materials,” says Justinas Palisaitis.

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