During the last week of April 2021, he attended the virtual edition of ICMCTF, as one of three graduate student finalists. ICMCTF is a large conference organized by the Advanced Surface Engineering Division of the American Vacuum Society (AVS).
The finalists were chosen upon the quality of their written research summaries, resumes, and evaluation letters. The selection of the winners was based on the application materials in addition to the quality and professionalism of their oral presentations/discussions and an interview with the Awards Committee at the 2021 ICMCTF. Babak’s written contribution was titled “Enhanced High-temperature Oxidation Resistance of Hard TiB2-rich Ti1-xAlxBy Thin Films”.
“It is a great honor to receive this award. Now, I am the second graduate student from LiU having that. Indeed, this is an achievement for the whole group that undoubtedly, I would not have been able to gain it without the inspiration and support from my seniors and colleagues”, said Babak Bakhit.