21 March 2022

"Distributed Optimization for Control and Estimation", that is the title of the doctoral thesis by Shervin Parvini Ahmadi that became historic in March.

Shervin Parvini Ahmadi PhD Defence, Automatic Control, ISY
Shervin Parvini Ahmadi during the dissertation. Per Wistbo Nibell
Historical in that sense that it was the hundredth dissertation at the division, belonging to the Department of Electrical Engineering, ISY. In 1982 the first dissertation was conducted at the division and now, nearly 40 years later, the hundredth was conducted.

The thesis was written and defended by Shervin Parvini Ahmadi, who has been supervised by Professor Anders Hansson. Opponent was Professor Tamas Keviczky, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

- This historic event will be acknowledged later this year with both a celebration and a workshop, says Martin Enqvist, head of the division of Automatic Control.

FACTS: Public defence number 100

PhD candidate: Shervin Parvini Ahmadi
Title: Distributed Optimization for Control and Estimation
Opponent: Professor Tamas Keviczky, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Supervisor: Professor Anders Hansson


Division and Department

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