25 September 2023

In the autumn of 2023 Linköping University hosts the ELLIIT Focus Period. An ambitious guest researcher program aimed at stimulating interaction among researchers and to favor cross-talk within the research field of Network Dynamics and Control.

Presentation by Ming Cao, Professor, at the ELLIIT Symposium 2023.
Presentation by Ming Cao, Professor, at the ELLIIT Symposium 2023. Simon Höckerbo

ELLIIT: Excellence Center at Linköping - Lund in Information Technology, is a strategic research environment in the field of information technology and mobile communication. Partner universities include Lund University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Halmstad University, and Linköping University, which also coordinates the activities.

Since spring 2022, ELLIIT has been organizing focus periods in relevant research areas. The purpose is to gather international researchers and established academics to collaboratively work on common research challenges.

The focus of this period – Network Dynamics and Control

Networking at the ELLIIT Symposium 2023.A platform for discussions.  Photo credit Simon Höckerbo The current focus period takes place in Linköping from September 4th to October 6th. During this period, a number of international researchers, so called visiting scholars, are hosted at the division of Automatic Control at ISY.

The goal of the five-week focus period is to stimulate interaction between scientists working within the research area of Network Dynamics and Control from different perspectives and to favor cross-talk by promoting awareness of what is available "next door."

A platform for discussions and scientific conversations

Audience members at a lecture during the ELLIIT Symposium 2023.Audience members at a lecture during the ELLIIT Symposium 2023. Photo credit Simon Höckerbo The highlight of the focus period was the symposium held at Scandic Frimurarehotellet in Linköping from September 20th to 22nd. Several top researchers in the focus area were invited as speakers at the academic conference. In addition to interesting presentations, the symposium also provided a platform for discussions and scientific conversations among invited speakers, visiting scholars, and researchers from ELLIIT's partner universities.

Nearly 100 national and international researchers participated in the symposium.

Claudio Altafini is responsible for this year's focus period at LiU

How is the ongoing focus period going?

– It is going even better than we expected. The engagement of the young scholars has been so far enthusiastic, and the quality of the presentations very good, both for the regular seminar that we have had the campus and for those during the symposium. The participation of the audience at the symposium has remained high until the end, which is also a good sign.

What is your main take-away from the symposium?

– The formula that we have tried to implement is to involve scientists interested in complex networks but from different perspectives. We have invited applied mathematicians, physicists, engineers, ecologists and economists, in an effort to give an overview of the various approaches that one can use when doing research on complex networks. Success in multidisciplinary meetings like this are a matter of right chemistry, and the quality of the speakers has been instrumental on that front.

The visiting scholars participating in the focus period will also conduct public seminars at Campus Valla. The seminars are open to everyone, and no registration is required.

You can find the full detailed program on the ELLIIT website.

Read more about previous focus periods and ELLIIT

Research Area: Automatic control

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