26 September 2023

Lars Eriksson, professor in Vehicular Systems at The Deparment of Electrical Engineering, has been awarded the Håkan Frisinger Scholarship. He is receiving this scholarship for his outstanding scientific achievements and substantial contributions to the transportation industry.

City by night, moving cars, night light and intelligent transport systems

The prize includes an individual award of 300,000 Swedish kronor and a period as a visiting researcher at a university in Sweden, along with a grant of 500,000 kronor to the university hosting the visiting researcher through Volvo's Research and Education Foundation's guest researcher program. Uppsala University, Ångströms Laboratory, has been selected to welcome Lars Eriksson and his research program in electric transportation.

Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, the rector of Linköping University, wrote in the nomination letter:

- His proposed program at Uppsala University will provide excellent opportunities for scientific collaboration to enhance knowledge, efficiency, and overall sustainability of electric vehicle batteries, which are at the core of electromobility.

Read the full press release in Swedish here.

More about Vehicular Systems at LiU

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