02 September 2024

Yonghao Xu, Assistant Professor at the Computer Vision Laboratory (CVL), has been invited as a keynote speaker at the Future Space Conference 2024.

Future space conference event image.

The Future Space Conference is dedicated to showcasing the forefront and future of space activities. In 2024, it will be held on September 16-17 at Linköping Konsert & Kongress, Sweden.

This year's speakers are:

  • Marcus Wandt, ESA Astronaut and Chief Test Pilot at Saab
  • Christer Fuglesang, Director of KTH Space Center and Former ESA Astronaut
  • Abhay Devasthale, Research Leader at SMHI
  • Yonghao Xu, Assistant Professor at the Computer Vision Laboratory (CVL), Linköping University

Read more about the conference on the Linköping Science Park website.


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