Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is a classical field of engineering with advanced and multi-faceted research at LiU. High-quality research is carried out in areas such as fluid and mechatronic systems, machine design, solid mechanics, and applied thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.

Examples of research within fluid and mechatronic systems are aircraft design, hydraulic systems in goods vehicle engines, and mobile robotics.

Machine design covers, for example, CAD, automated design, industrial design, wood as a construction material and product development.

Solid mechanics ranges from the mechanical properties of skin to fatigue in nickel-based superalloys and the optimisation of structures used in vehicles.

Applied thermodynamics and fluid mechanics deals with heat transfer, aerodynamics and fluid dynamics. The research finds application in everything from biological flows, such as blood flow through the heart and blood vessels, to the thermodynamics of gas turbines and minimising the air resistance of heavy vehicle chassis.

Associated research areas are Engineering Materials and Production Economics, which are described in more detail below.


Volvo material rehandler

Machine Learning for Energy Management in Construction Robots (MACRO)

This project develops a methodology to simplify the synthesis of controllers for energy management based on optimal control principles and machine learning.

Simulation model of two different types of skiing techniques. With musculoskeletal modeling, the researchers can show how different muscles are activated.


What is the optimal pole technique in cross-country skiing? Why does the blood pressure increase with age? These questions and many more can be answered by applying fundamental principles from mechanics and thermodynamics. It´s done in biomechanics.

Men working on assembling an aircraft.

Structural Integrity of Air Vehicles

Through evaluation and verification in strength, rigidity, durability and damage tolerance, the aeronautical research aims to provide novel knowledge in the structural integrity of air vehicles.



Female PhD student lectures to master's students in the lab.

From sketches to a robot with artificial intelligence

How do you develop a product with as little human involvement as possible? LiU students built a robot using generative artificial intelligence.

Two scientists in the hydraulic lab.

Research is needed when electricity replaces diesel

Did you think that all it takes is changing an excavator’s diesel engine for an electric one? Well, it’s not that simple. The hydraulics can actually be adapted to the many advantages of the electric engine.

Collage with pictures.

Practical tasks and closemonitoring improve engineering education

The use of physical items in teaching and digital monitoring of student performance are two ways to improve engineering education. Studies must change to keep pace with changes in the industry. These are conclusions of a new thesis.