Welcome to the 25th anniversary celebration of Forum Scientium on 23-24 September 2022.

At last we get to celebrate the 25th anniversary!

”Forum Scientium – looking forward to the next 25 years of cultivating curiosity and community in multidisciplinary research”

Date: Friday and Saturday 23-24 September 2022

Venue Friday: Campus US, Lecture hall Hasselquist
Venue Saturday: Campus Valla, New Student Building and Physics Building.

Group photo of the Forum Scientium team.

group photo of Forum Scientium members

Registration and deadlines

It is now not possible to register for any meals any more, but participation in the seminars during Friday are open for everyone.

List of registered participants 7 September.


Friday 23 September

Lecture hall Hasselquist, Campus US

  • 08:30 – 09:15 Coffee and Poster Session all day outside Hasselquist

Introductory session

  • 09:15 – 10:30 Next 25 years of scientific, multi-disciplinary training and research
    • Welcome
    • “The future of life science and the need of cross-disciplinary collaboration” 
      Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Vice-Chancellor Linköping University
    • The importance of multidisciplinary training
      Helena Jerregård, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Mälardalen University and Former member of Forum Scientium
    • The importance of multidisciplinary collaboration
      Sofia Håkansson Buch, Vice President Cell Therapy at Novo Nordisk AS, Copenhagen and Former member of Forum Scientium
    • The benefits of Forum Scientium for the Wallenberg research programmes DDLS and WCMM 
      WCMM Director David Engblom, BKV CSAN, LiU and Forum Scientium PI
    • The advantages of multidisciplinary research
      Professor Magnus Berggren, ITN Laboratory for Organic Electronics, Campus Norrköping and Forum Scientium PI
    • The 2030 vision for Forum Scientium
      Programme Directors Caroline Brommesson, IFM, and Rozalyn Simon, HMV
  • 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee and Poster Session

Scientific sessions

During the following three thematic sessions the external and internal speakers will present their multidisciplinary research. The internal speakers will also give proposals how Forum Scientium can contribute during the coming years.

  • 11:00 – 12:30
    • Theme: Neuroscience and Bioelectronics
      • Conformable organic electronics for epilepsy
        Jennifer Gelinas, Assistant professor Neurology at Columbia University, New York, US
      • Iontronic substance delivery
        Daniel Simon, Professor ITN Organic Bioelectronics and Forum Scientium PI
      • Taking control of ion channel proteins 
        Sara Liin, Associate professor BKV Neurobiology and Forum Scientium PI
      • Plant Bioelectronics and Biohybrids
        Eleni Stavrinidou, Associate professor ITN Electronic Plants, Former Forum Scientium member and today a Forum Scientium PI 
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch with Poster session
  • 13:30 – 15:00
    • Theme: Bioresponsive Materials, Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine
      • Modular hydrogels for organoid-based disease modelling
        Eileen Gentleman, Reader at the Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology at King's College, London
      • Enzyme-Responsive Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting
        Daniel Aili, Professor IFM Molecular Materials, LiU, and Former Forum Scientium member and today a Forum Scientium PI 
      • "Novel methods for skin transplantation using biomaterials and autologous cells"
        Johan Junker, Associate professor Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology, RÖ, and Forum Scientium PI
      • “Nucleases as biomarkers of disease”
        Frank Hernandez, Associate professor IFM Nucleic Acids Technologies, LiU, and Forum Scientium PI
  • 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee and Poster Session
  • 15:30 – 17:00
    • Theme: Bioimaging 
      • Imaging is the gateway to the invisible mechanisms of life
        John E Eriksson, PhD, Professor of Cell Biology (Åbo Akademi Univ.), Director General, Euro-Bioimaging, Åbo, Finland
      • The rich inner life of a thrombus – “next generation” analysis of platelet activity during thrombus formation in vivo
        Niklas Boknäs, Associate professor BKV Clinical Chemistry and Forum Scientium PI
      • Quantifying blood flow dynamics - an outstanding research topic
        Tino Ebbers, Professor Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Group and Former Forum Scientium member
      • "Quantitative sensing of microscopic features over wide fields of view"
        Rolf Saager, Associate professor IMT Biomedical Engineering, WCMM Fellow and Forum Scientium PI
  • Closing words 
    Programme Directors Caroline Brommesson and Rozalyn Simon
  • 17:00 – 19:00 Mingle and Poster Session

Saturday 24 September

New Student Building, Campus Valla

  • 12:00 - 12:30
    • How did Forum Scientium start?
      Lasse Ekedahl, Founder
  • 12:30 – 13:10
    • Lunch and networking
  • 13:10-13:40
    • International view on multidisciplinary graduate training
      Michael Grunze, Prof Emeritus, University of Heidelberg
  • 13:40 – 14:00
    • Walking

Round Table Discussions

Entrance hall and Coffee area in the Physics Building (entrance 57), Campus Valla

14:10 – 14:50

Discussion 1A: How to choose between academia and industry – How did you make the decision? (in Jordan-Fermi (J402) two floors up)

  • Maria Bolin, Anvill CEO at Utvecklingsklustret Energi AB, Linköping
  • Anna Herland,  Associate Professor at KTH and Founder of CellectEve AB
  • Erica Zeglio,  Researcher and MSCA Fellow at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Discussion 1B: From academia to industry and back again (in the sitting area one floor up)

  • Edwin Jager,  Associate professor at Linköping University

Discussion 1C: It is fantastic to work with science in the academy (in seminar room Mott (G403) two floors up)

14:50 – 15:40

Coffee Break: Coffee and Exhibition on level 2, main entrance Physics Building

15:40 – 16:20

Discussion 2A: Working in the pharmaceutical industry (in Jordan-Fermi (J402) two floors up)

  • Parmis Blomgran, Senior Manager, Global Project Management, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg
  • Mathias Liljeblad, Early CVRM, Translational Science and Experimental Medicine, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg

Discussion 2B: Taking part in starting a company as a PhD student, Postdoc or directly after PhD exam, and also working in a start-up company (in the sitting area one floor up)

Discussion 2C: Working as a Quality Assurance or Pharmacovigilance specialist/officer/manager (in seminar room Mott (G403) two floors up)

  • Linda Helmfors, QPPV & Head of Pharmacovigilance at Bluefish Pharmaceuticals Group, Stockholm
  • Camilla Skyttner, Quality Manager at Sectra, Linköping

16:20 – 18:00

Continued discussions and Networking

University Club at Campus Valla

  • 18:00 – late
    • Dinner with performances at the University Club, Campus Valla


We would like to acknowledge the following organizations that today support Forum Scientium and the 25-year anniversary:

Meet Forum Scientium and student council

About the anniversary

Video interviews



"Of course you should focus
on your research. But ..."

Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, vice chancellor,

Linköping University, believes in Forum as a part of LiU:s long time strategy. He has earlier supervised PhD students in Forum Scientium. Now, he gives the present members good advice.




"The best with Forum Scientium was
the cross disciplin atmosphere"

Sofia B Håkansson graduated at Forum Scientium in 2005.
Today, she is the vice president of Stem Cell CMC & Manufacturing at Novo Nordisk in Copenhagen.



"I realised it might have been 25 years"

Daniel Aili, professor in biophysics at LiU, is also a Forum Scientium alumn.
Today he meets Forum students and postdocs in the lab on a daily basis.

"You have this network and you know that you can ask people"

Kalle Bunnfors is a PhD student at the division for Molecular Surface Physics and Nanoscience since 2016. 
