
Tina Lidström



Tina Lidström (2024) Teachers' values in a space of change: The idea of teacher assistants as re-negotiation of teacher professionalism Education Inquiry (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Tina Lidström (2024) Teacher assistants' values in a discursive space: emerging change and re-negotiation of teacher professionalism in Sweden Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Tina Lidström (2024) The policy idea of 'the teacher assistant': Construction and legitimation through a discursive institutionalist lens European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 23, s. 108-124 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Emilia Åkesson, Elisabeth Tenglet, Fredrik Olsson, Tina Lidström (2021) Editorial: Open Issue Confero: Essays on education, philosophy and politics, Vol. 8, s. 4-6 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Maria Rosén, Tina Lidström (2021) Doktorandrådets förkonferens: To be assessed and to assess - PhD-candidates' encounter with diverse evaluation practices: - summering, reflektioner och tankar framåt Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Vol. 26, s. 35-37 (Artikel, recension)


Johan Forsell, Tina Lidström, Elisabeth Tenglet, Emilia Åkesson (2020) Editorial: Navigating in a Measurable Epistemic Landscape Confero: Essays on education, philosophy and politics, Vol. 7, s. 5-9 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI