Business Ethics, advanced course, 7.5 hp

VT 2024, Helfart, Linköping

Kursstart VT 2024
Ort Linköping
Studietakt Helfart
Nivå Avancerad nivå
Studieform Campusförlagd
Undervisningstid Dagtid
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Anmälningskod LIU-44019
Period 202404 - 202408
Antal platser 1

Särskilda förkunskapskrav

  • 180 hp godkända varav 90 hp i något huvudområde inklusive 15 hp självständigt arbete
  • Engelska 6
    Undantag ges för svenska



11100 kr - OBS! Gäller bara studenter utanför EU/EES och Schweiz.

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Business ethics includes both the general question of the interface between economic practice and ethical theory, and more specific questions such as the social responsibility of corporations, professionalism, economic and corporate decision-making structure, employee rights, and environmental and global issues. The course contains four areas of study: (i) Business ethics and normative theories, (ii) Business ethics and the business disciplines, (iii) Issues in business ethics, and (iv) Case studies in business ethics. The aim of the course is to give the students the knowledge and capability to reflect over, discuss and analyze issues within business ethics.

En unik examen