Pilemalm, S., Follin, A. and Prytz, E. (2024), "Digitalized co-production of emergency response: ICT-enabled dispatch and coordination of volunteers at the emergency site", Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Pilemalm, S. and Alkusaibati, W. Implementing Co-production of Emergency Response Nationwide: Towards a new Typology of Digitalized Co-production, Digital Government: Research and Practice, ACM Library.

Jacob Hassler, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Krisjanis Steins, Vania Ceccato (2024) Towards more realistic measures of accessibility to emergency departments in Sweden International Journal of Health Geographics, Vol. 23, Artikel 6

Maren S. Barth, Katharina Palm, Henrik Andersson, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Anders N. Gullhav, Andreas Kruger (2024) Emergency exit layout planning using optimization and agent-based simulation Computational Management Science, Vol. 21, Artikel 1

Jacob Hassler, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Vania Ceccato (2024) Socio-spatial Inequities of Fire and Rescue Services in Sweden: An Analysis of Real and Estimated Response Times Fire technology, Vol. 60, s. 193-212

Nicklas Ennab Vogel, Per Wester, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Lars-Åke Levin (2024) Optimized density and locations of stroke centers for improved cost effectiveness of mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke JOURNAL OF NEUROINTERVENTIONAL SURGERY, Vol. 16, s. 156-162

Alkusaibati, W., Pilemalm, S. (2024). Digitalized Co-production of Emergency Response. In: Dugdale, J., Gjøsæter, T., Uchida, O. (eds) Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. ITDRR 2023 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 706. Springer, Cham.

Sköld Gustafsson, V., Andersson Granberg, T., & Waldemarsson, M. (2024). Using Optimization Modeling to Determine Locations for Aerial Fire fighting Resources Based on Wildfire Risk Data. ISCRAM Proceedings, 21. (best WIP paper ward)

Matinrad, N., & Granberg, T. A. (2024). Selection of rural villages as volunteer centers for emergency response. ISCRAM Proceedings, 21. (best full paper)

Brodin, W., Prytz. E., & Jonson, C.-O. (2024). The cooperation, coordination and leadership in first aid ad-hoc immediate responder groups: a work-in-progress. ISCRAM Proceedings, 21.

Alkusaibati, W. (2024). Digitalized co-production of emergency response., Using volunteers as first responder, Licentiate Thesis No. 1995, Linköping university press

Weibull, K., Lidestam, B., Holm, J., Prytz, E. (2024). Alternative Emergency Vehicle Lighting Affects Traffic Behaviors. In Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Phoenix, AZ, Sep 9-13.

Caldwell, B., Prytz, E., Alfredsson, J. (2024). Human-Systems Integration and Distributed Expertise Coordination for Humanitarian Operations. 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, ICC Jeju, Republic of Korea, August 25-29, 2024.


Gustafsson, V. S., Hjerpe, M., & Strandberg, G. (2023). Construction of a national natural hazard interaction framework: The case of Sweden. Iscience, 26(4).

Thomas, K., & Granberg, T. A. (2023). Quantifying Visual Pollution from Urban Air Mobility. Drones, 7(6), 396.

Matinrad, N., & Granberg, T. A. (2023). Optimal pre-dispatch task assignment of volunteers in daily emergency response. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 87, 101589.

Vogel, N. E., Wester, P., Granberg, T. A., & Levin, L. Å. (2023). Optimized density and locations of stroke centers for improved cost effectiveness of mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery.

Erik Prytz; Petter Norrblom; Sofie Pilemalm; Tobias Andersson Granberg; Carl-Oscar Jonson, What motivates and demotivates emergency response volunteers? A survey-based factor analysis study Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. Emerg Med 31, 38 (2023).

Brodin, W., Friberg, M., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2023). The effect of cold hand-skin temperatures on medical laypeople’s tourniquet application ability: a within-group trial. Human Factors in Healthcare, 3.

Norrblom, P., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2023). Where and how do people search for medical emergency equipment in public buildings? 67th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Washington, D.C., October 23-27, 2023.

Pettersson, J., Jonson, C.-O., Friberg, M., Björnqvist, A., Berggren, P., & Prytz, E. (2023). Critical decision-making in medical command and control during early Covid-19: an interview study. 2023 WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Killarney, Ireland, May 9-12.

Jonson, C.-O., Pettersson, J., Friberg, M., Björnqvist, A., Berggren, P., Johansson, B., & Prytz, E. (2023). Identifying core competences for medical command and control teams managing Covid-19. 2023 WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Killarney, Ireland, May 9-12.

Brodin, W., Friberg, M., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2023). The effect of different degrees of cold exposure on medical laypeople’s tourniquet application time and quality: a within-group trial. 2023 WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Killarney, Ireland, May 9-12.

Friberg, M., Brodin, W., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2023). The Effects of Including Blood in First Aid Training on Confidence in Bleeding Control Ability and Intent to Aid. 2023 WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Killarney, Ireland, May 9-12.

Pilemalm, S. (2023). Digitalized Co-production of Emergency Response: to make local initiatives national Ninth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), Quito, Ecuador, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICEDEG58167.2023.10122074. (best paper award, invited to special issue)

Radianti, Jaziar; Pilemalm, Sofie; Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Rustenberg, Kjetil. Enhancing Learning from Incidents by Reconstruction of Events: Using the SQUARE Tool for Evaluation. pp. 663-676

Alkusaibati, Wael; Pilemalm, Sofie. Digitalized Co-production and Volunteerism in Emergency Response: a Literature Review. pp 738-751.

Pilemalm, S., Munkvold, B.E., Radianti, J. (2023). Developing Information Systems for Collaborative Emergency Management: Requirements Analysis and Prototyping. In: Gjøsæter, T., Radianti, J., Murayama, Y. (eds) Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. ITDRR 2022. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 672. Springer, Cham.

Pilemalm, S. & Yousefi Mojir, K. Digitalized Cross-Sector Collaboration for an Effective Emergency Response: Emerging Forms of Network Governance, Public Administration and Information Technology, PAIT, Vol. 40, pp. 269-305

Stenberg R. & Wolmesjo, M(2023) Preparative collaboration for missing persons with dementia in Sweden: a pilot study In: International Journal of Emergency Services, ISSN 2047-0894, E-ISSN 2047-0908

Pilemalm S. (2023). Addressing barriers to Digitalized Co-production of Emergency Response: using Volunteers as First Responders. Accepted to International Journal of Emergency Management, In press.


Sköld V. (2022) Decision Support for Emergency Response to Multiple Natural Hazards: CHALLENGES AND NEEDS. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Licentiate Thesis. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2022. , s. 52.

Sund, B & Pilemalm, S (2022). Early Responders as a Resource for Effective Response. In: Runefors, M., Andersson, R., Delin, M., Gell, T. (eds)- Residential Fire Safety – An Interdisciplinary Approach, Springer, pp. 345-360.

Weibull, K., Lidestam, B., & Prytz, E. (2022). Potential of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System Services to Mitigate Risk Factors Associated With Emergency Vehicle Accidents. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221119459.

Granberg, T.A. (2022). Optimized Dispatch of Fire and Rescue Resources. In: de Armas, J., Ramalhinho, H., Voß, S. (eds) Computational Logistics. ICCL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13557. Springer, Cham.

Sofie Pilemalm. (2022). Barriers to Digitalized Co-production: the Case of Volunteer First Responders. In N.Matta, H. Purohit, H. Karray, A. DI Nicola, & L. Elmhadi (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

Tobias Andersson Granberg, Sara Erlander, David Fredman, Lovisa Olovsson and Emma Persson (2022). Predicting Volunteer Travel Time to Emergencies. In N.Matta, H. Purohit, H. Karray, A. DI Nicola, & L. Elmhadi (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

Viktor Sköld Gustafsson, Sofie Pilemalm, Tobias Andersson Granberg and Martin Waldemarsson: Managing natural hazards in Sweden – needs for improved information and decision support systems. In N.Matta, H. Purohit, H. Karray, A. DI Nicola, & L. Elmhadi (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.

Björnqvist, A., Friberg, M., Jonson, C.-O., Pettersson, J., & Berggren, P. (2022). An Analysis of a Swedish Medical Command and Control System’s Situation Reports from the COVID-19 Pandemic. In N.Matta, H. Purohit, H. Karray, A. DI Nicola, & L. Elmhadi (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.

Matinrad, N. (2022) Models for Dispatch of Volunteers in Daily Emergency Response, Linköping University Press, Linköping.

Stenberg, R. (2022). Samverkan på liv och död. I Hedberg Rundgren, Å., Klinga, C., Löfström, M. och Mossberg, L. (Red). (2022). Perspektiv på samverkan – om utmaningar och möjligheter i välfärdens praktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Murphy, Maria (2021) Digital Transformation for Crisis Volunteerism : A study in the aftermath of the Swedish Forest Fires Crisis in 2018. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021.

Prytz, E., Phillips, R., Lönnqvist, S., Friberg, M., & Jonson, C.-O. (2021). Laypeople perception and interpretation of life- threatening bleeding: A controlled experimental study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 21(100).

Pettersson, J., Jonson, C.-O., Berggren, P., Hermelin, J., Trnka, J., Woltjer, R., & Prytz, E. (2021). Connecting observed behaviors to resilience markers and strategies: a disaster management exercise case study. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.

Friberg, M., Jonson, C.-O., Jaeger, V., & Prytz, E. (2021). The effects of stress on tourniquet application and CPR performance in layperson and professional civilian populations. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, OnlineFirst.

Rosberg, T., Cavalcanti, T., Thorslund, B., Prytz, E. & Moertl, P. (2021). Driveability Analysis of the European Rail Transport Management System (ERTMS) - A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 18.

Hooke, A., Hallbeck, M. S., Prytz, E., Jonson, C.-O., Lowndes, B. R. (2021). Mechanical Assessment of Tissue Properties During Tourniquet Application, Military Medicine, 186.

Phillips, R., Friberg, M., Lantz Cronqvist, M., & Prytz, E. (2021). Comparing blood loss estimates by medical laypeople in online and in-person formats using SABLE. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, October 4-7, 2021.

Matinrad, N, Andersson Granberg, T., Angelakis, V., (2021) Modeling uncertain task compliance in dispatch of volunteers to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, Vol. 159.

Matinrad, N., Reuter-Oppermann, M. A review on initiatives for the management of daily medical emergencies prior to the arrival of emergency medical services. Cent Eur J Oper Res (2021).

Ramsell, Elina. (2021) Toward ICT-enabled Co-production for Effective Crisis and Emergency Response, Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021.

Pilemalm, S & Yousefi Mojir, Y. (2021) Cross-sector collaboration in emergency response, International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 16, No.3., pp 249-280

Pilemalm, S. (2021) Digitalized Co-production: Using Volunteers as First Responders, konferensbidrag, 2021 Eighth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), 2021, s. 25-32

Pilemalm, S., Radianti, J., Munkvold, B E., Majchrzak, T A., (2021) Turning Common Operational Picture Data into Double-loop Learning from Crises – can Vision Meet Reality? Proceedings of the 18th ISCRAM Conference – Blacksburg, VA, USA May 2021.


Pilemalm, S. (2020) Volunteer Co-production in Emergency Management in Excluded Areas Using Civil Citizens and Semi-professionals as First Responders , JEDEM, 12 (1)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29379/jedem.v12i1.583

Andersson Granberg, T. and Pilemalm, S (2020). Evaluation of new first response initiatives in emergency services. Socio-Economic PlanningSciences
Volume 71, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2020.100829

Prytz, E., Grönbäck, A., Goolsby, C., & Granberg, T. A. (2020). Evaluating the Effect of Bleeding Control Kit Locations for a Mass Casualty Incident Using Discrete Event Simulation. Proceedings of the 17th ISCRAM Conference, May 2020, 167–178. http://idl.iscram.org/files/erikprytz/2020/2217_ErikPrytz_etal2020.pdf

Granberg, T. A., Prytz, E., & Waldemarsson, M. (2020). Sensor Requirements for Logistics Analysis of Emergency Incident Sites. Proceedings of the 17th ISCRAM Conference, May 2020, 952–960. http://idl.iscram.org/files/tobiasanderssongranberg/2020/2286_TobiasAnderssonGranberg_etal2020.pdf

Goralnick, E., Ezeibe, C., Chaudhary, M. A., McCarty, J., Herrera-Escobar, J. P., Andriotti, T., de Jager, E., Ospina-Delgado, D., Goolsby, C., Hunt, R., Weissman, J. S., Haider, A., Jacobs, L., Andrade, E., Brown, J., Bulger, E. M., Butler, F. K., Callaway, D., Caterson, E. J., … Ortega, G. (2020). Defining a Research Agenda for Layperson Prehospital Hemorrhage Control. JAMA Network Open, 3(7), e209393. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.9393

Strauss‐Riggs, K., Kirsch, T. D., Prytz, E., Hunt, R. C., Jonson, C., Krohmer, J., Nemeth, I., & Goolsby, C. (2020). Recommended Process Outcome Measures for Stop the Bleed Education Programs. AEM Education and Training, aet2.10443. https://doi.org/10.1002/aet2.10443

Henrik Andersson, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Marielle Christiansen, Eirik Skorge Aartun, Håkon Leknes (2020) Using optimization to provide decision support for strategic emergency medical service planning – Three case studies. International Journal of Medical Informatics, ISSN 1386-5056, E-ISSN 1872-8243, Vol. 133, article id UNSP 103975


Pilemalm S. (2019) ICT-Enabled Citizen Co-production in Excluded Areas – Using Volunteers in Emergency Response. In: Panagiotopoulos P. et al. (eds) Electronic Participation. ePart 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11686. Springer, Cham.https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-27397-2_8

Matinrad, N. (2019). An Operations Research Approach for Daily Emergency Management (Licentiate dissertation). Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköping. https://doi.org/10.3384/lic.diva-157099

Pilemalm, S. (2019). Using Security Guards and Civil Volunteers as First Responders inMe dical Emergency Response - Tasks, Needs, and Challenges, Prehospital and disaster medicine: the official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine in association with the Acute Care Foundation, 34(1), pp.175-176. DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X19004035

Munkvold, B. E; Opach, T.; Pilemalm. S. Radianti, J., Rød, J. K:, & Snaprud, M.D. (2019). Sharing Information for Common Situational Understanding in Emergency Response, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2019), Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 1-10

Munkvold, B. E; Radianti, J., Rød, J. K, Opach, T.; Snaprud, M., Pilemalm. S. & Bunker, D. (2019). Sharing Incident and Threat Information for Common Situational Understanding, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1357-1363.

Ramsell, E., Andersson Granberg, T., & Pilemalm, S. (2019). Identifying functions for smartphone based applications in volunteer emergency response, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1044-1056.

Matinrad N, Andersson Granberg T, Ennab Vogel N, Angelakis V, (2019). Optimal Dispatch of Volunteers to Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients, In the Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, 8th-11th January, 2019, 4088-4097.

Steins K, Matinrad N, Andersson Granberg T, (2019). Forecasting the Demand for Emergency Medical Services, In the Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, 8th-11th January, 2019, 1855-1864.

Holgersson, S. (2019). Whistleblowing in the Swedish police. Nordisk politiforskning 6(1).

Hermelin, J., Bengtsson, B., Woltjer, R., Trnka, J., Thorstensson, M., Pettersson, J., Prytz, E., Jonson, C.-O. (in press) Operationalising resilience for disaster medicine practitioners – capability development through training, simulation and reflection, Cognition Technology & Work

Jonson, C.-O., Andersson, F., & Prytz, E. (2019). Efficacy of video-based instructions for laypeople bleeding control education. 21st WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Brisbane, Australia, May 7-10, 2019.

Prytz, E., Jacobsson, A., & Jonson, C.-O. (2019). The effect of moulage on immersion, realism and learning in a traffic accident training scenario for police, rescue service and ambulance students. 21st WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Brisbane, Australia, May 7-10, 2019.

Pettersson, R. J., Jonson, C.-O., Berggren, P., Woltjer, R., Hermelin, J., & Prytz, E. (2019). Resilience Training of Regional Medical Command and Control. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1049023x19003741

Prytz, E., Åkerstedt, Z., Lidestam, B., Lampi, M., & Jonson, C.-O. (2019). A Pilot Investigation of the Effect of Transport-Related Factors on Care Quality in a Moving Ambulance. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1049023x19003571

Cronqvist, M. L., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2019). Development and Initial Validation of a Stochastic Discrete Event Simulation to Assess Disaster Preparedness. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1049023x19002528

Junker, J., Jonson, C.-O., & Henricson, J. (2019). Standardized Measurement of Capillary Refill Time using Novel Technology. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1049023x19003820

Lidestam, B., Prytz, E., & Åkerstedt, Z. (2019). Akutvård under ambulansfärd: Naturalistiska data från simulerade typsituationer vid körning på testbana. Transportforum, Linköping, Sweden, January 8-9, 2019.

Hooke, A., Hallbeck, S., Prytz, E., Jonson, C.-O., Lowndes, B. (2019). Tissue Properties During Tourniquet Application: Mechanical Assessment Informing Design of Trainers. Poster at the Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL, August 19-22.

Lowndes, B., Law, K., Abdelrahman, A., Prytz, E., Jonson, C.-O., Sztajnkrycer, M., Hawthorne, H. Franz, W., Blocker, R., Hallbeck, M. S. (2019). Preliminary Investigation of Civilian Clinician Perspectives & Just-in-Time Guidance for Tourniquet Use to “Stop the Bleed”. Military Medicine, 184(S1), 28-36. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usy331


Andersson Granberg T, Nguyen HTN, (2018) Simulation based prediction of the near-future emergency medical services system state, In the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2018, 2542-2553.

Rybing, J. (2018) Designing a Digital Medical Management Training Simulator Using Distributed Cognition Theory. Doktorsavhandling, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, Interaktiva och kognitiva system. Linköpings universitet, Tekniska fakulteten.

Yousefi Mojir, K. (2018) New Forms of Collaboration in Emergency Response Systems: A framework for participatory design of information systems. Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, Informatik. Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten

Yousefi Mojir, K. Y., Pilemalm, S., Andersson Granberg, T. (2018) User Participation in Information Systems Development for Emerging Public Sector Initiatives. 27th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2018 Lund, Sweden)

Pilemalm. S. (2018). Emerging forms of network governance in the public sector: the case of cross-sector collaboration in Swedish emergency response, for the 7th LAEMOS Colloquium on: “Organizing for Resilience: Scholarship in Unsettled Times”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Yousefi Mojir, K. Pilemalm, S. & Andersson Granberg, T. (2018). Semi-professionals: Emergency response as an additional task in current occupations, International Journal of Emergency Services, doi/abs/10.1108/IJES-11-2017-0059.

Pilemalm, S. (2018). Participatory Design in Emerging Civic Engagement Initiatives in the New Public Sector: Applying PD Concepts in Resource-Scarce Organizations. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) - Special Issue on Reimagining Participatory Design, Volume 25 Issue 1, February 2018, Article No. 5

Prytz, E. G., Norén, C., & Jonson, C.-O. (2018). Fixation Differences in Visual Search of Accident Scenes by Novices and Expert Emergency Responders.). Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 001872081878814.

Cedrini, V., Mancini, M., Rosi, L., Mandarino, G., Giorgi, S., Herrera, I.,, Jonson, C-O, Ruscio, D. (2018). Improving resilience management for critical infrastructures – Strategies and practices across air traffic management and healthcare.Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World: Proceedings of ESREL 2018 (p. 3234). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group.

John, R. T., Henricson, J., Junker, J., Jonson, C.-O., Nilsson, G. E., Wilhelms, D., & Anderson, C. D. A cool response-The influence of ambient temperature on capillary refill time. (2018). Journal of Biophotonics, 11(6), e201700371.

Berggren, P., Svensson, F., Lampi, M., & Prytz, E. (2018). Battlefield trauma care. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 62nd Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, October 1-5, 2018.

Lampi, M., Junker, J., Tabu, J., Berggren, P., Jonson, C.-O., & Wladis, A. (2018). Potential Benefits of Triage for the Trauma Patient in a Kenyan Emergency Department. BMC Emergency Medicine, 1–7.


Holgersson, S. (2017). The reorganisation of the Swedish Police with a focus on the police command centres. The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, 2017.

Ramsell, E., Pilemalm, S. & Andersson Granberg, T. (2017) Using Volunteers for Emergency Response in Rural Areas - Network Collaboration Factors and IT support in the Case of Enhanced Neighbors. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Albi, France

Leknes, H., Skorge Aartun, E., Christiansen, M. & Andersson Granberg, T. (2017), Strategic ambulance location for heterogeneous regions. European Journal of Operational Research, 260(1), 122-133.

Jonson, C. O., Petterson, J., Rybing, J., Nilsson, H., & Prytz, E. (2017) Short simulation exercises to improve emergency department nurses’ self-efficacy for initial disaster management: controlled before and after study. Nurse Education Today

Rybing, J., Prytz, E., Hornwall, J., Nilsson, H., Jonson, C.-O, & Bång, M. (2017) Designing a Digital Medical Management Training Simulator Using Cognition Theory. Simulation & Gaming, 48(1). DOI: 10.1177/1046878116676511

Rosander, M. and Jonson, C.-O. (2017), Professional confidence in the roles as ambulance and medical incident commander. Journal of Contingencies Crisis Management, Vol 25, No. 4, https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12156.

Berggren, P., Petterson, J., Jonson, C.-O., Prytz, E., Carlsson, H., & Nilsson, H. (2017). The importance of using the designated duty officers when assessing a medical response organization. 10th European Public Health Conference (EPH), Stockholm, Sweden, November 1-4, 2017.

Pettersson, J., Nilsson, H., Jonson, C.-O., & Berggren, P. (2017). Functional quality indicators for assessing health care initial response to societal disturbances for education. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 32(S1), S66. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1049023X17001789

Rankin A, Lindner R, Sainz M, Rosenqvist S, Bång M and Eriksson H. City resilience: an analysis of approaches worldwide. Proceedings of the 7th REA symposium, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France: Resilience Engineering Association , 2017.

Forsyth, K. L., Lowndes, B. R., Abdelrahman, A., Prytz, E., Johnson, C.-O., Sztajnkrycer, M. D., Franz, W. B., Blocker, R. C., Hallbeck, M. S. (2017). A Preliminary Investigation of Clinician Perspectives and Just-in-Time Guidance for Tourniquet Use. Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL., August 27-30, 2017.

Lowndes, B. R., Forsyth, K. L., Prytz, E., Johnson, C.-O., Abdelrahman, A., Sztajnkrycer, M. D., Franz, W. B., Blocker, R. C., Hallbeck, M. S. (2017). A Preliminary Comparison of Three Tourniquet Instructions for On-the-Job Training during a Simulated Tourniquet Application. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, October 9-13, 2017.

Forsyth, K. L., Lowndes, B. R., Prytz, E., Jonson, C.-O., Sztajnkrycer, M. D., Heller, S. F., Hallbeck, M. S., & Blocker, R. (2017). Improving instructions to stop the bleed. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61st Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October 9-13, 2017.

Prytz, E., Janson, O., & Jonson, C.-O. (2017). A social network analysis of the emergency medical command during a live CBRNE exercise. 20th WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Toronto, Canada, April 25-28, 2017.

Prytz, E., Rybing, J., Carlsson, H., & Jonson, C.-O. (2017). Evaluating learning and simulation exercise efficacy for a course on advanced prehospital trauma. 20th WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Toronto, Canada, April 25-28, 2017.

Prytz, E., & Jonson, C.-O. (2017). Hierarchical task analysis as a method to support emergency response planning. 20th WADEM congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Toronto, Canada, April 25-28, 2017.

Junker, J., & Jonson, C.-O. (2017). Prehospital Monitoring of Vital Parameters Using a Novel Device - RespiHeart. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 32(S1), S165–S166. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1049023X17004460


Mojir, K. Y. (2016) New Forms of Collaboration in Emergency Response Systems: A framework for participatory design of information systems Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, Informatik. Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten

Pilemalm, S., Lindgren, I. Ramsell, E., Emerging forms of inter-organizational and cross-sector collaborations in e-government initiatives: Implications for participative development of information systems. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016. Vol. 10, nr 4, pp. 605-636.

Yousefi Mojir, K. & Pilemalm, S. (2016) Actor-Centered Emergency Response Systems: A framework for needs analysis and information systems development, International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 12, nr 4, pp.. 403-434.

Prytz, E., Rybing J., Jonson C-O. (2016) Workload differences across command levels and emergency response organizations during a major joint training exercise. Journal of Emergency Management 14(4):289–97.

Andersson Granberg, T., Danielsson, N., Fredriksson, A., Nordström, J., Pilemalm, S., Tjernström, R. & Yousefi Mojir, K., (2016) Using Semi-professionals in Emergency Response. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Sefyrin, J. & Pilemalm, S. (2016) It’s more important to be fast than to be informed – Gender, age, disability and ethnicity in relation to IT in the Swedish Rescue Services. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Rybing, J., Larsson, J., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2016). Preliminary Validation Results of DigEmergo for Surge Capacity Management. Proceedings of the to 13th international conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rybing J, Nilsson H, Jonson C-O, and Bang M. Studying distributed cognition of simulation-based team training with DiCoT. Ergonomics, Vol. 59 , Iss. 3, Taylor and Francis, 2016.

Rybing, J., Prytz, E., Hornwall, J., Nilsson, H., Jonson, C.-O., Bång, M. (2016). Designing a Digital Medical Management Training Simulator Using Distributed Cognition Theory. Simulation & Gaming, 48(1), 131–152. https://doi.org/10.1177/1046878116676511

Herrera, I., Grøtan, T. O., Woltjer, R., Nevhage, B., Nilsson, S., Trnka, J., … Jonson, C. (2016). Applying resilience concepts in crisis management and critical infrastructures — the DARWIN project. In L. Walls, M. Revie, & T. Bedford (Eds.),

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Gonzalez, Jose; Bang, Magnus; Eden, Colin; Eriksson, Henrik; Gimenez, Raquel; Hernantes, Josune; Howick, Susan; Marana, Patricia; Pyrko, Igor; Radianti, Jazier; Amy, Rankin; Sarriegi, Jose. Stalking resilience : cities as vertebrae in society’s resilience backbone. IFIP Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction - Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 Nov 2016 → 18 Nov 2016.

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Britt, R. C., Scerbo, M. W., Montano, M., Kennedy, R. A., Prytz, E., & Stefanidis, D. (2015). Intracorporeal suturing: transfer from fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery to cadavers results in substantial increase in mental workload. Surgery, in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2015.03.032 Nilsson, A., Åslund, K., Lampi, M., Nilsson, H., & Jonson, C.-O. (2015). Improved and sustained triage skills in firemen after a short training intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 23, 81. Pilemalm, S., Lindgren, I., & Ramsell, E. (2015). Fourth Generation of User-centered Design – Developing for E-government and Cross-sector Collaborations. In Electronic Government and Electronic Participation (Vol. 22, pp. 178–192) Prytz, E., & Scerbo, M. (2015). Changes in stress and subjective workload over time following a workload transition. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, in press, DOI: 10.1080/1463922X.2015.1084397 Prytz, E., Rybing, J., Carlström, E., Khorram Manesh, A., & Jonson, C.-O. (2015). Exploring collaborative command and control work during a live major incident. International Journal of Emergency Services, 4 (2). Prytz, E., Rybing, J., Jonson, C.-O., Petterson, A, Berggren, P., & Johansson, B. (2015). An Exploratory Study of a Low-Level Shared-Awareness Measure Using Mission-Critical Locations During an Emergency Exercise. 59th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Los Angeles, CA, October 26-30, 2015.

Prytz, E., Hodza-Beganovic, R., Carlsson, H., Nilsson, H., & Jonson, C.-O. (2015). Identifying the Educational and Technical Needs of the Emergency Dispatch Service in Kosovo using Hierarchical Task Analysis. 19th World congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Cape Town, South Africa, April 21-24.

Prytz, E., & Rybing, J. (2015). Evaluation of a Novel Method to Study Inter-Organizational Coordination in Medical Command and Control Centers. 19th World congress on disaster and emergency medicine, Cape Town, South Africa, April 21-24.

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Weinholt, Å. (2015) Exploring Collaboration Between the Fire and Rescue Service and New Actors : Cost-efficiency and Adaptation, Licentiatavhandling, Linköping University Electronic Press


Bang, M., Prytz E., Rybing, J. & Timpka T. (2014) Cognitive design of a digital desk for the emergency room setting. AMIA 2014 Annual Symposium (American Medical Informatics Association), November 15-19, Washington DC, USA.

Hallberg, N., Jungert, E. & Pilemalm, S. (2014) Ontology for Systems Development. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 24(03), pp 329-345.

Mojir, K. Y. & Pilemalm, S. (2014) Emerging communities of collaboration: co-location in emergency response systems in Sweden. Proceeding of the 11th International Conference of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Pennsylvania State University, USA, pp.548-555.

Pilemalm S., Andersson, D. & Mojir, K. Y. (2014) Enabling organizational learning from rescue operations, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 3 Iss 2 pp 101-117

Prytz, E., & Scerbo, M. (2014). The effects of a workload transition on stress over time. 58th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, IL, October 27-31, 2014.

Weinholt, Å. & Holmgren, J. (2014) Evaluating the effects of organizational changes and private sector involvement on cost efficiency in fire and rescue services. Proceedings of the 2014 International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) conference, Ottawa, Canada.


Lampi, M., Vikström, T. & Jonson, C-O. (2013) Triage performance of Swedish physicians using the ATLS algorithm in a simulated mass casualty incident: a prospective cross-sectional survey Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21:90

Mojir, K., Y. & Pilemalm, S. (2013) A Framework for “New Actors” in Emergency Response Systems, Proceedings of the 2013 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference, Baden Baden, GE, pp 741-745.

Pilemalm, S., Stenberg, R. & Andersson Granberg, T. (2013) Emergency Response in Rural Areas, International Journal for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), Vol, 5, No 2. pp 19-31.

Pilemalm, S., Yousefi Mojir, K. & Andersson, D. (2013) Migration of Legacy Systems– the Swedish Rescue Services Incident Reporting System, Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 4-6 Dec 2013, Melbourne, pp. 1-10.

Weinholt, Å. & Andersson Granberg, T. (2013) Evaluation of Enhanced Collaboration Between Fire and Rescue Services and Security Officers, Proceedings of the 2013 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference, Baden Baden, GE.


Gustafsson, A. & Anderson Granberg, T. (2012) Dynamic Planning of Fire and Rescue Services, Proceedings of the 2012 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference, Vancouver, CA.

Hallberg, N., Pilemalm S. & Timpka, T. (2012) Quality Driven Requirements Engineering for Development of Crisis Management Systems, International Journal for Information Systems for Crisis Management, (IJISCRAM), Vol. 4, No. 2, 35-52.

Lundberg, J., Granlund, R. & Fredäng, A. (2012) Scenario play workshops - Co-design of emergency response scenarios for information technology design in collaboration with emergency response personnel, Proceedings of the 2012 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference, Vancouver, CA.

Pilemalm, S., Hallberg, N., Sparf, M. & Niclasson, T. (2012) Practical Experiences of Model-based Development: Case studies from the Swedish Armed Forces, Journal of Systems Engineering, Vol. 15, No.4 , 407-421.

Pilemalm, S., Stenberg, R., Anderson Granberg, T. & Axelsson A. (2012). Emergency response in rural areas - how new ways of organizing and supporting first responders can apply to crisis management, Proceedings of the 2012 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference, Vancouver, CA, 22-25th April, pp 1-5.

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