Photo of Arvid Erlandsson

Arvid Erlandsson

Senior Associate Professor

The psychology of helping

I which situations do people help more or less? What types of recipients receive more and less money? Which psychological mechanisms (emotions, thoughts and beliefs) influence the degree of helping? How do we allocate resources in situations where we cannot help everyone? Are different people influenced differently by arguments used in charitable advertising? These questions (and many others) are central in my research. 

I was born and raised in the Swedish region called Småland, but I have also lived three years in Tokyo. In January 2015, I took my Ph.D. at Lund University and later the same year I began working as a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University. I am part of the JEDI-Lab, and my research is about moral decision making, and more specifically decision making in helping situations.



Erik Gråd, Arvid Erlandsson, Gustav Tinghög (2024) Do nudges crowd out prosocial behavior? Behavioural Public Policy, Vol. 8, p. 107-120 Continue to DOI


Hajdi Moche, Arvid Erlandsson, Stephan Dickert, Daniel Västfjäll (2023) The potential and pitfalls of unit asking in reducing scope insensitivity Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 18, Article e28 Continue to DOI
Julia Aspernäs, Arvid Erlandsson, Artur Nilsson (2023) Motivated formal reasoning: Ideological belief bias in syllogistic reasoning across diverse political issues Thinking and Reasoning, Vol. 29, p. 43-69 Continue to DOI
Julia Aspernäs, Arvid Erlandsson, Artur Nilsson (2023) Misperceptions in a post-truth world: Effects of subjectivism and cultural relativism on bullshit receptivity and conspiracist ideation Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 105, Article 104394 Continue to DOI
Arvid Erlandsson, Stephan Dickert, Hajdi Moche, Daniel Västfjäll, Cassandra Chapman (2023) Beneficiary effects in prosocial decision making: Understanding unequal valuations of lives European Review of Social Psychology Continue to DOI

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