CESAR Network is a network of researchers for collaboration in the area of research in cardiac care in Sweden. The main goal of CESAR is to increase collaboration in the field of cardiovascular care between researchers in the region of Jönköping, Kalmar, Sörmland and Östergötland. CESAR started in 2011 and is planning several activities.
- Klompstra, L., Liljeroos, M., Lundgren, J., & Ingadottir, B. (2021). A Clinical Tool (CUE-tool) for Health Care Professionals to Assess the Usability and Quality of the Content of Medical Information Websites: Electronic Delphi Study. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(2), e22668.
- Hendriks, J., Andreae, C., Ågren, S., Eriksson, H., Hjelm, C., Walfridsson, U., ... & Jaarsma, T. (2020). Cardiac disease and stroke: Practical implications for personalised care in cardiac-stroke patients. A state of the art review supported by the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 1474515119895734.
- Algurén, B., Coenen, M., Malm, D., Fridlund, B., Mårtensson, J., & Årestedt, K. (2020). A scoping review and mapping exercise comparing the content of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) across heart disease-specific scales. Journal of patient-reported outcomes, 4(1), 7.
- Klompstra, L., Östbring, M. J., Jaarsma, T., Ågren, S., Fridlund, B., Hjelm, C., ... & Strömberg, A. (2019). The appropriateness and presentation of commonly available cardiovascular web pages providing information about cardiovascular diseases. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(10), 493-497.
Members of the network
The Cesar network consists of about 40 researchers from Linköping, Norrköping, Kalmar and Jönköping.
Click on each researcher's name to read more about their research and see which research projects they are involved in.
Click on each researcher's name to read more about their research and see which research projects they are involved in.