My research interests concern different aspects of professional learning and education. My doctoral thesis explored graduates professional development in the transition between higher education and work life. My current interests concern learning and professional development within higher education, especially within medical education, and work place learning. I have a special interest in identity formation, interprofessional learning and supervision.
I have studied how you learn forensic knowledge and develop an identity as a forensic specialist within a trainee program at the National Forensic Centre in Sweden. The research explores how the training is arranged and enacted and the practice of supervision from a socio-material perspective.
At the moment I am a part of an ongoing study concerning ”Interprofessional learning in simulation-based training for the healthcare professions”. The research project aims to develop knowledge on how interprofessional collaboration in healthcare teams could be arranged and trained through simulation-based learning environments. It is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Linköping University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical education, University of Gothenburg, Department of Education, Communication and Learning and Karolinska Institutet, Center for Advanced Medical Simulation.