
Andreas Fejes



Andreas Fejes is professor and chair of adult education research at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Linköping University. Fejes’ current research projects are: 1. Citizenship education within and beyond adult and popular education, 2. The bibliometrics of the field of adult education research, 3. Marketization of adult education and its consequences.



Andreas Fejes, Robert Thornberg (2024) Kvalitativ forskning och kvalitativ analys Handbok i kvalitativ analys, p. 14-37 (Chapter in book)
Robert Thornberg, Andreas Fejes (2024) Kvalitet och generaliserbarhet i kvalitativa studier Handbok i kvalitativ analys, p. 280-303 (Chapter in book)
Eva Bolander, Andreas Fejes (2024) Diskursanalys Handbok i kvalitativ analys, p. 108-127 (Chapter in book)
Andreas Fejes, Robert Thornberg (Editorship) (2024) Handbok i kvalitativ analys
Andreas Ruschkowski, Johanna Köpsén, Andreas Fejes (2024) The formulation of the policy of education based on a scientific foundation and proven experience at folk high schools in Sweden (1974-2024)



CV, commissions and social media


2012 Professor of Adult Education Research 

2008 Associate professor in Education 

2006 PhD in Educational Research specializing in Adult Learning

Current commissions (selected) 

  • Editor of the European Journal for Research on the Education and learning of Adults
  • Member of the steering committee of the European society for research on the education of adults
  • Chair for the Swedish national program for research on popular education
  • Consluting editor for Adult Education Quarterly
  • Member of the international advisory board for Studies in the Education of Adults
