27 November 2019

A hearing where people who applied for asylum during the period 2015-2017 could tell their experiences of coming to Sweden was held recently.
It was arranged in Stockholm by Linköping University in collaboration with a number of voluntary organizations.

Photo of texted stories from asylum seekers in Sweden.
Testimonies from asylum seekers in Sweden

Four years have passed since the government declared that Sweden needed a breather and introduced border controls and restrictions in the legislation to allow fewer people to seek asylum. But what really happened that autumn 2015 and the years to come? What was it like to come to Sweden as an asylum seeker?
The hearing, which was held on Saturday, November 23, aims to gather testimony from the asylum seekers.

Temporary residence permits a stress

The testimonies included waiting for decisions, the stress of living with temporary residence permits, moving from being a child to an adult in the asylum system and medical age assessments.

A testimony about the limited right to family reunification came from a woman with functional impairment who has been denied the right to be reunited with her children who remain in their home country.


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Portrait (Feng Gao).

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Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert.

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