28 October 2021

Stefan Jonsson from Linköping University will receive one of the twelve grants awarded by the Swedish Research Council for artistic research. Stefan Jonsson’s project explores people’s collective actions.

People. Picture from above.
Photographer: Orbon Alija

In the project, Stefan Jonsson, professor of ethnicity at Remeso, Department of Culture and Society, will collaborate with artist Anna Ådahl.
Together they will study collective actions and collective movements, for instance the authoritarian populism that has grown in various countries and the democratic protests that have developed in relation to the climate change issue. The project will also investigate the digital infrastructure that enables these new forms of mobilisation, but that also facilitates surveillance and guidance of a collective behaviour.

The project has the Swedish title Kollektivt handlande i en postdigital era: Konstens insikter om protest, auktoritär populism, migration och datorsimulerade folkmassor – or in English, Collective actions in a post-digital era: Art’s insights into protest, authoritarian populism, migration and computer simulated crowds. It will be presented in forms including installations and essays.

The Swedish Research Council has granted SEK 43 million to artistic research for the period 2021–2024. The grants will be paid out within a three-year period.


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