15 April 2020

A pandemic is sweeping around the globe and our lives have been turned upside down. The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease COVID-19, has not only changed our way of working, studying and spending time together: it has brought death to many. We will not see for many years the complete and long-term effects – human, social and economic – of the pandemic as it continues to spread around the world.

Read how researchers at Linköping University are taking on one of our greatest contemporary challenges.

Lennart Svensson, Professor, virology.
Lennart Svensson, professor of molecular virology at Linköping University, has his eye set on testing the method on the new coronavirus. Ulrik Svedin - LiU

LiU research on COVID-19 and its effects

Eleonore von Castelmur in the lab.

Coronavirus spurred research across disciplines

As the corona pandemic swept across the world, virologists and protein chemists rapidly joined forces and started to collaborate. Together they were able to develop ways to test the immune response after infection, and help the healthcare system.

Fredrik Gustafsson and Toomas Timpka looks into the camera.

Researchers critical to flawed Covid-19-models

Reports from Imperial College regarding the spread and the effects of Covid-19 had considerable policy impacts in several European countries. But the models that informed the reports have considerable flaws, according to LiU-researchers.

A close up on a womans eye with a contactlens in the forefront.

New contact lens might be used for treatment of covid-19

Mehrdad Rafat, senior lecturer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering (IMT), is hoping that their bioengineered lens can join the forces against the corona virus.

EU map with Covid 19 bandage

OECD countries’ politicians follow each other

The more democratic a country is, the greater the probability that its politicians decide in the same way as in neighbouring countries, without further analysis, according to a study on decision-making during the beginning of the Corona crisis.

Picture of footprint.

New research into the acceptance of physical distancing

Physical distancing is important to slow the spread of the coronavirus. A new research project will study the provisions relating to physical distancing and how they have been complied with by the public in Denmark and Sweden.

People wearing protective suits spray disinfectant chemicals on the cargo container to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus.

The corona crisis changes the industry

The corona crisis will fundamentally change manufacturing industry. Digitalisation will be accelerated, business models changed, and servitisation increase. While the crisis brings huge difficulties, it also brings opportunities.

Latest news from LiU

Alex Enrich Prast in Amazon forest.

Woody surfaces oftrees remove methane from the atmosphere

It is well-known that trees help the climate by taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. But it is now clear that trees have another important role to play.

A person smiles.

LiU alumni help the industry save energy – and money

He left a high-paid job in the gas and oil industry in India for a master’s programme at LiU. Sajid Athikkay does not regret his U-turn. He now runs a company in Linköping that helps industries track and save energy.

A man in a suit holds a green plant in his hand.

LiU involved in a megastudy on climate behaviour

What is the best way to make people behave in a more climate-friendly way? Researchers at Linköping University and Karolinska Institutet have contributed to a worldwide study on this topic.