Professor Erik Sundin at Environmental Technology and Management, at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, won Best Reman Ambassador of the year at REMATEC. This is the jury´s motivation:
Being an ambassador for reman is not necessarily about having an official position in the industry – the judges believe that it can also be awarded to someone who is demonstrating passion and commitment for the industry, going beyond their role to do things they don’t have to do in order to benefit the reman as a whole, and communicating the benefits of reman.
Erik Sundin has been actively promoting reman knowledge within and outside the reman industry for quite some time. And that he is the one who takes the reman industry to the next level. What will make a difference to the reman industry is to have a lot of people like Erik.
Research to improve remanufacturing industry and journeys
Erik has been leading and conducting many research projects to improve remanufacturing industry and to initiate new companies to start their remanufacturing journeys. He has also written articles, standards about remanufacturing that are spread around the world mainly in several digital ways in databases, webinars and movie clips but also as books and book chapters.