28 March 2024

IDEAS 2024 takes place in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil from 24-27 November 2024. The IDEAS 2024 conference is part of a longstanding collaboration between Linköping University in Sweden and Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) in Brazil.

Campus de Santo André da UFABC, Brazil.
Campus de Santo André da UFABC, Brazil.

The IDEAS 2024 conference is an arena that brings together the most forward thinkers to help reshape the world by defying their field's boundaries. The conference revolves around three parts: conferences, workshops, and social gatherings.

By understanding how people with inspired ideas can synergistically align, we unlock the potential to create a world where innovation flourishes, design transcends boundaries, entrepreneurship thrives, and sustainability becomes the bedrock of collective well-being.

  • Witness the magic of Technology, understanding its environmental effects and its potential, and risks, for social good.
  • Revolutionize Transportation, pioneering smart, green, and integrated solutions for a seamless future.
  • Immerse yourself in the fusion of Art & Technology, exploring artistic opportunities and co-existence in an ever-evolving world.
  • Challenge conventional thinking in Economy, engaging in circular, post-growth, and degrowth debates for a sustainable world.
  • And many more topics…

The overall impact of the conference design is meant to create an open and inclusive environment that promotes innovation and cross-pollination between people and disciplines.


Step into the realm of limitless possibilities at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Systems (IDEAS). The event is a convergence of cutting-edge ideas, where central themes unite interdisciplinary panels dedicated to innovation, design, entrepreneurship, and sustainable systems. Together, we forge a collective vision, breaking boundaries, and unleashing the power of cross-cutting innovation in captivating topics that will leave you inspired.

Read more about the IDEAS conference 2024.


Read more about our collaboration with Brazil

Photo of PhD-student at her office.

Biogas in Brazil - a resource not being used

Brazil has a significant capacity for biogas production from organic waste that has not yet been realised. Hanna Zanatta has studied several societal aspects that affect the introduction of biogas systems.

Professor Fredrik Heintz.

LiU and Brazil deepen collaboration in AI

Fredrik Heintz is to be one of two chairpersons of a new bilateral working group on AI between Sweden and Brazil. He hopes that the collaboration will lead to more research projects and exchanges between LiU and Brazil.

Low water levels in the river.

The quest for sustainable livelihoods in the Amazon

The journey on the river from Tefé to the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve in Brazil normally takes around three hours. But things are not normal the researchers from Linköping discover.

Latest news from LiU

Corinna Röver standing on a stair.

Reindeer husbandry in the shadow of war – then and now

Sweden’s NATO membership may entail increased military activity in Sami reindeer herding areas. One way of trying to predict the consequences of this is to look back in history. This is what a new research project at LiU will do.

Bianca Suanet.

How we can reduce loneliness among older adults

"We need to understand why some individuals become lonely and provide them with support at various levels in society before it happens," says Bianca Suanet, professor at LiU who researches an inclusive society for the elderly.

Male and female researcher in a lab.

Pain relief through artificial touch in new research project

Can a garment made from smart textiles relieve long-term pain? This is what researchers in neuroscience, materials science, pain research, textile science and biomechanics are seeking to find out in a new interdisciplinary research project.