06 November 2023

The Linköping Game Week festival is set to begin soon, and the winner of this year's LiU Game Awards competition will be announced on November 22nd. Today, the ten finalists were revealed!

Photo of a person standing on a stage in front of an audience.
The stage at LiU Game Conference 2022.

The LiU Game Awards student competition is now a part of Linköping Game Week, which is scheduled to take place from November 20 to November 26 this year. The week is centered around three distinct themes: Learn, Game, and Work. The objective is to explore the multitude of values the gaming world can offer, such as leisure activity, educational tool, and viable option in the job market.

The LiU Game Awards is an event that attracts talented individuals from the game programming course TDDD23. The winner of the prestigious first prize receives SEK 20,000, which is intended to help complete and launch their winning game. Additionally, the winner is provided with valuable advice from the game designers behind the successful game Core Keeper.

The top three finalists will each receive a game console, and all finalists will receive free advice from East Sweden Game.

Entry to the LiU Game Awards is free, but please register in advance using this form (in Swedish). Attendees can play finalists' games and network with industry professionals and enthusiasts after the awards ceremony. The ceremony takes place at 4 - 5.30 pm November 22 at Studenthuset, Linköping University.

Check out the entries from the finalists!

Linköping Game Week (site in Swedish) is a collaborative project between the City of Linköping and East Sweden Game.

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