07 October 2020

Three departments will each host a doctoral student funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions to promote researcher mobility. The research projects deal with using waste heat to produce electricity, perovskites for use in photonics, and the rendering of computer-generated images.

A road leading to a sunset. 2020 is written on the road with white paint, above it an arrow is pointing in the direction of the horizon.
Three new Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions have been awarded to Linköping University. Rasica
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions are a programme within Horizon 2020 to stimulate researcher mobility and the training of researchers early in their career. LiU has been awarded funding to host doctoral students within three projects: Horates, Persephone and Prime. These projects involve researchers from several European partner universities, companies and institutions.


Hybrid and Organic Thermoelectric System is located in the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Department of Science and Technology. Principal researchers are Professor Igor Zozoulenko and Senior Lecturer Simone Fabiano. The research concerns the use of cheap and scalable thermoelectric generators to take waste heat and convert it to electricity.
A total of fifteen promising young researchers will be educated within the programme, which currently employs researchers at nine European universities. More information about Horates


Perovskite Semiconductors for Photonics is a collaboration of no less that eleven actors, from academia and companies. The research is conducted within Biomolecular and Organic Electronics, in the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, with Professor Feng Gao as principal investigator. Persephone is interdisciplinary, and its objective is to form the foundation of new and commercially viable robust semiconductor technology, based on perovskites. A total of 14 doctoral students and postdocs will be educated in the project. More information about Persephone


Predictive Rendering in Manufacturing and Engineering is based in the Division for Media and Information Technology in the Department of Science and Technology. Principal investigator is Professor Jonas Unger. The research deals with computer graphics and image synthesis for the rendering of computer images with improved precision. The objective is to bring the technology into commercial use in, for example, product design, architecture, the calibration of sensor systems, and the development of autonomous vehicles. Seven European universities and several companies are members of the Prime network. More information about Prime from the European Commission and information at the Prime website.

More information about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Translated by George Farrants


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