1. Yu H*, Nagi SS* (co-first), Usoskin D, Hu Y, Kupari J, Bouchatta O, Yan H, Cranfill SL, Gautam M, Su Y, Lu Y, Wymer J, Glanz M, Albrecht P, Song H, Ming GL, Prouty S, Seykora J, Wu H, Ma M, Marshall A, Rice FL, Li M, Olausson H, Ernfors P, Luo W (2024). Single-Soma deep RNA sequencing of human dorsal root ganglion neurons reveals novel molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying somatosensation. Nature Neuroscience (in press).
2. Xu S*, Hauser SC*, Nagi SS* (co-first), Jablonski JA, Rezaei M, Jarocka E, Marshall AG, Olausson H, McIntyre S, Gerling GJ (2024). Mechanoreceptive Aβ primary afferents discriminate naturalistic social touch inputs at a functionally relevant time scale. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (in press).
3. Thorell O, Mahns DA, Otto J, Liljencrantz J, Svantesson M, Olausson H, Nagi SS (2024). Experimental nerve block study on painful withdrawal reflex responses in humans. PloS One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0309048
4. Ng KKW, Lafee O, Bouchatta O, Makdani AD, Marshall AG, Olausson H, McIntyre S†, Nagi SS† (co-last, 2024). Human foot outperforms the hand in mechanical pain discrimination. eNeuro. 10.1523/ENEURO.0412-23.2024
5. Thorell O, Ydrefors J, Svantession M, Gerdle B, Olausson H, Mahns DA, Nagi SS (2023). Investigations into an overlooked early component of painful nociceptive withdrawal reflex responses in humans. Frontiers in Pain Research. 10.3389/fpain.2022.1112614
6. Larsson M, Nagi SS (2022). Role of C-tactile fibers in pain modulation: animal and human perspectives. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 10.1016/j.cobeha.2021.09.005
7. Ridderström M, Svantesson M, Thorell O, Magounakis T, Minde J, Olausson H, Nagi SS (2020). High prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in individuals with rare nerve growth factor-beta mutation. Brain Communications. 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa085
8. Dunn JS, Nagi SS†, Mahns DA† (co-last, 2020). Minocycline reduces experimental muscle hyperalgesia induced by repeated nerve growth factor injections in humans: A placebo-controlled double-blind drug-crossover study. European Journal of Pain. 10.1002/ejp.1558
9. Boehme R, van Ettinger-Veenstra H, Olausson H, Gerdle B, Nagi SS (2020). Anhedonia to gentle touch in fibromyalgia: Normal sensory processing but abnormal evaluation. Brain Sciences. 10.3390/brainsci10050306
10. Nagi SS, Marshall AG, Makdani A, Jarocka E, Liljencrantz J, Ridderström M, Shaikh S, O'Neill F, Saade D, Donkervoort S, Foley AR, Minde J, Trulsson M, Cole J, Bönnemann CG, Chesler AT, Bushnell MC, McGlone F, Olausson H (2019). An ultrafast system for signaling mechanical pain in human skin. Science Advances. 10.1126/sciadv.aaw1297