Fotografi av Arman Mohammadi

Arman Mohammadi



LiUs publikationslistor

Arman Mohammadi, Theodor Westny, Daniel Jung, Mattias Krysander,  Analysis of Numerical Integration in RNN-Based Residuals for Fault Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, pp. 2909-2914, ELSEVIER (2023)

Daniel Jung, Mattias Krysander, Arman Mohammadi,  Fault diagnosis using data-driven residuals for anomaly classification with incomplete training data, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, pp. 2903-2908, ELSEVIER (2023)

Arman Mohammadi, Mattias Krysander, Daniel Jung,  Analysis of grey-box neural network-based residuals for consistency-based fault diagnosis, , IFAC papers online, pp. 1-6, Elsevier (2022)