Christer Ahlström

Adjungerad universitetslektor



Christer Ahlström, Anna Anund (2024) Development of sleepiness in professional truck drivers: Real-road testing for driver drowsiness and attention warning (DDAW) system evaluation Journal of Sleep Research Vidare till DOI
Amanda Meyerson, Johanna Eklind, Florian Fischer, Maytheewat Aramrattana, Ingemar Fredriksson, Christer Ahlström (2024) Effects of daylight and darkness at daytime versus nighttime on driver sleepiness: A driving simulator study Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 24, Artikel 101087 Vidare till DOI
Katja Kircher, Christer Ahlström (2024) A comparison of glance coding approaches for driver attention assessment Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 100, s. 243-253 Vidare till DOI


Christer Ahlström, Raimondas Zemblys, Svitlana Finer, Katja Kircher (2023) Alcohol impairs driver attention and prevents compensatory strategies Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 184, Artikel 107010 Vidare till DOI


Katja Kircher, Tomas Rosberg, Birgitta Thorslund, Christer Ahlström, Erik Prytz, Lisa Bernheim, Niklas Olsson, Peter Moertl (2022) Train driver attention is influenced by the type of railway signalling system DDI 2022 Gothenburg: Abstract book, s. 50-52
