Eirini Apostolou

Förste forskningsingenjör




Eirini Apostolou, Anders Rosén (2024) Epigenetic reprograming in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A narrative of latent viruses Journal of Internal Medicine Vidare till DOI


Ulf Hannestad, Eirini Apostolou, Per Sjogren, Bjorn Bragee, Olli Polo, Bo Christer Bertilson, Anders Rosén (2023) Post-COVID sequelae effect in chronic fatigue syndrome: SARS-CoV-2 triggers latent adenovirus in the oral mucosa Frontiers in Medicine, Vol. 10, Artikel 1208181 Vidare till DOI


Frida Nikesjö, Shumaila Sayyab, Lovisa Karlsson, Eirini Apostolou, Anders Rosén, Kristofer Hedman, Maria Lerm (2022) Defining post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) by an epigenetic biosignature in peripheral blood mononuclear cells Clinical Epigenetics, Vol. 14, Artikel 172 Vidare till DOI
Eirini Apostolou, Muhammad Rizwan, Petros Moustardas, Per Sjögren, Bo Christer Bertilson, Björn Bragée, Olli Polo, Anders Rosén (2022) Saliva antibody-fingerprint of reactivated latent viruses after mild/asymptomatic COVID-19 is unique in patients with myalgic-encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome Frontiers in Immunology, Vol. 13, Artikel 949787 Vidare till DOI
Frida Nikesjö, Shumaila Sayyab, Lovisa Karlsson, Eirini Apostolou, Anders Rosén, Kristofer Hedman, Maria Lerm (2022) Defining post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) by an epigenetic biosignature in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
