Eva Lindström

Universitetslektor, Avdelningschef, Docent

Avdelningschef för Avdelningen för klinisk kemi och farmakologi (KKF).



Magnus Grenegård, Maria Koufaki, Maria Zervou, Theano Fotopoulou, Eva G. Lindström, Kristofer F. Nilsson, Madelene Lindkvist, Karin Fransén (2023) The cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic piperazinyl-purine analogue MK177 is a bifunctional drug with promising therapeutic potential British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 180, s. 158-159, Artikel P0855 (Artikel i tidskrift)


Anna Södergren, Ann-Charlotte Svensson Holm, Sofia Ramström, Eva Lindström, Magnus Grenegård, Karin Öllinger (2016) Thrombin-induced lysosomal exocytosis in human platelets is dependent on secondary activation by ADP and regulated by endothelial-derived substances Platelets, Vol. 27, s. 86-92 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Ann-Charlotte Svensson Holm, Magnus Grenegård, Karin Ollinger, Eva Lindström (2014) Inhibition of 12-lipoxygenase reduces platelet activation and prevents their mitogenic function Platelets, Vol. 25, s. 111-117 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Ann-Charlotte Svensson Holm, Torbjörn Bengtsson, Magnus Grenegård, Eva G Lindström (2012) Hyaluronic acid influence on platelet-induced airway smooth muscle cell proliferation Experimental Cell Research, Vol. 318, s. 632-640 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Ann-Charlotte B. Svensson Holm, Torbjörn Bengtsson, Magnus Grenegård, Eva G. Lindström (2011) Platelet membranes induce airway smooth muscle cellproliferation Platelets, Vol. 22, s. 45-55 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
