Rolf Holmqvist



Anna Åkerman, Rolf Holmqvist, Fredrik Falkenström, Kajsa Mansfeldt, Olle Ostergren, Ann-Charlotte Münger (2024) Experiences in the relationship between foster children and foster parents in specialized foster care-Thematic analysis conducted on five minute speech sample-data Children and youth services review, Vol. 167, Artikel 107999 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Rolf Holmqvist, Therese Skoog, Malin Hildebrand Karlen (2024) Learning a Practical Psychotherapeutic Skill in Higher Education in Sweden: A Conceptual Paper Concerning the Importance of Constructive Alignment When Teaching Therapeutic Alliance Clinical Psychology in Europe, Vol. 6, Artikel e12037 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Fredrik Falkenström, Jonatan Bjerén, Fredrik Björklund, Rolf Holmqvist, Annika Ekeblad (2024) Patient Attachment and Reflective Functioning as Predictors for Therapist In-Session Feelings Journal of counseling psychology, Vol. 71, s. 190-201 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Hedvig Andersson, E. Svensson, A. Magnusson, Rolf Holmqvist, Maria Zetterqvist (2024) Young adults looking back at their experiences of treatment and care for nonsuicidal self-injury during adolescence: a qualitative study Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, Vol. 18, Artikel 16 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Klas Alexandersson, Malin Wågberg, Annika Ekeblad, Rolf Holmqvist, Fredrik Falkenström (2023) Session-to-session effects of therapist adherence and facilitative conditions on symptom change in CBT and IPT for depression Psychotherapy Research, Vol. 33, s. 57-69 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
