Class, Labour Migration and Globalization, 7.5 hp

HT 2024, Helfart, Norrköping

Kursstart HT 2024
Ort Norrköping
Studietakt Helfart
Nivå Avancerad nivå
Studieform Campusförlagd
Undervisningstid Dagtid
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Anmälningskod LIU-44521
Period 202446 - 202450
Antal platser 5

Särskilda förkunskapskrav

  • Kandidatexamen med humanistisk, samhälls-, kultur-, beteende-, natur-, vårdvetenskaplig eller konstnärlig inriktning eller motsvarande
  • Engelska 6
    Undantag ges för svenska



11100 kr - OBS! Gäller bara studenter utanför EU/EES och Schweiz.

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The course addresses international migration, emerging labour regimes and transnational class formations in globality. Against the background of the global economic crisis and neoliberal policy responses, the course introduces contemporary problems of increasing inequalities between and within countries and the role of migration in meeting these challenges.  The course will also address the demographic challenges and the question on how migration regimes interact with welfare and gender regimes around issues of global production chains, distribution, recognition and representation. 

En unik examen