I denna kurs introduceras kopplingen mellan åldrande, social förändring och samhälleliga hållbarhetsproblem ur ett nationellt, skandinaviskt, europeiskt och globalt perspektiv. Vidare problematiseras det svenska välfärdssystemets historia och grunder. I kursen redogörs för hur demografisk förändring kan påverka arbetsliv, hälsa och sjukvård, äldreomsorg och pensionssystem. I kursen behandlas de politiska och ekonomiska konsekvenserna av demografiska trender och deras sammanhang med människors liv. Den samtida politiska och vetenskapliga diskursen inom detta område analyseras och reflekteras, vilket utgör utgångspunkt för problematisering i frågorna om vård och omsorg, välfärd och förlängda arbetslivspolicys.
Åldrande, välfärd och samhällelig hållbarhet
7.5 hpÅldrande, välfärd och samhällelig hållbarhet, 7.5 hp
Hösten 2025, Halvfart, Norrköping
Åldrande, välfärd och samhällelig hållbarhet, 7.5 hp
Hösten 2025, Halvfart, Norrköping
Möt kursansvarig
Indre Genelyte berättar
Kursansvarig Indre Genlyte ger dig en inblick i vad "Åldrande, välfärd och samhällelig hålbarhet" tar upp. Varmt välkommen att söka kursen på Linköpings universitet.
Möt studenten Priscilla
What I like most about this course is its interdisciplinarity. It allows us to understand the intersection of individual well-being and the broader challenges of sustainability in societies. The course explains how demographic changes influence shifts in work, health, care, elderly care, and pension systems. It really helps make sense of how all this interconnects with the lives of aging populations.
This course has been so eye-opening for me. It has expanded how I think about the future of societies. I have learned about how policies and practices can affect older individuals and how we can tackle the challenges of an aging population and the role we play in creating a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future.
Möt Saki Islam
What motivated you to choose this course?
I’ve always been intrigued by how societies adapt to challenges, and the idea of ageing populations is such a relevant and impactful issue today. This course seemed like the perfect way to understand how welfare systems and sustainability come into play as societies grow older. It felt like a way to learn something deeply meaningful and directly connected to real-world problems.
What do you enjoy most about the course?
What I love most about this course is the engaging discussions and workshops, which provide a chance to explore complex ideas in depth. I also appreciate the diversity of topics-it’s not just about ageing but also how it connects to sustainability, policy, and even gender aspects. Plus, the instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and make the material thought-provoking and easy to connect with.
How would you describe this course to someone interested in it?
I’d say it’s a course for anyone who wants to understand the big picture of societal challenges related to ageing. It’s about how ageing impacts everything-from social change to economic policies-and what we can do to create more sustainable, inclusive societies. The course provides a thorough exploration of theoretical frameworks and encourages critical thinking on key topics like sustainability and welfare systems.
In what ways has this course been beneficial to you?
This course has helped me see ageing not just as a demographic issue but as a catalyst for rethinking how we build sustainable societies. It’s pushed me to look at problems from different angles and consider solutions that balance social welfare and sustainability. On a personal level, it’s made me more thoughtful about issues like intergenerational fairness and policymaking, and I feel much more prepared to engage in meaningful conversations about these topics.