30 November 2021

The Swedish Research Council has awarded Jens Birch, professor of materials science, 9.4 million SEK for research into neutron technology.

Research into neutron technology at Linköping University (LiU) has been in focus this week. On 23 November, LiU announced the university’s involvement with ESS, the world’s most powerful research facility for neutron radiation, based just outside Lund. In this project, LiU will play a special role in developing the optics used at the research facility.Jens Birch.Jens Birch. Photo credit Peter Holgersson

On 23 November, it was also announced via the Swedish Research Council that Jens Birch, who coordinates the development of neutron optics for the ESS, has received SEK 9.4 million in project funds for research into a new neutron scattering method that uses magnetic surfaces.

“This is about developing a method for maximal exploitation of data from future neutron scattering experiments at ESS”, says Jens Birch, professor of materials science at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM).

LiU was the principal applicant for the funds, and the project is being carried out in collaboration with researchers from Uppsala University and Lund University, as well as ISIS Neutron and Muon Source in Oxfordshire in the UK.

“The idea with the project is that, through our research collaboration with ISIS, we’ll build new expertise that can be of use to the research being carried out at ESS”, says Jens Birch.

Translated by Benjamin Davies.

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