18 June 2021

LiU’s vice-chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson has been selected as a member of the presidium of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), a network of 13 research-intense universities.

LiU´s vice chancellor Nils-Ingvar Jönsson. Photographer: Charlotte Perhammar
Collaboration with society holds a central place for the universities that make up the ECIU. All of them are also known to be innovators in higher education and entrepreneurship. A common feature of the universities is that they are home to both science and technology and the social sciences.

The ECIU is a strategically important network for Linköping University, and with Vice-Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson now among the leaders, LiU is making its mark more strongly within the network.

“I am very honoured by the commission and trust I have been given by the ECIU to take on the exciting future of our consortium, and in partnership between our thirteen universities to lead the work towards an open and inclusive collaboration on mutual challenges in education, innovation and research”, says Jan-Ingvar Jönsson.

At an online meeting of the leadership held on 18 June, the ECIU board approved the new ECIU presidium under the leadership of ECIU president, Màrius Martínez (UAB). The presidium for the coming three years comprises Màrius Martínez (ECIU chair), Mari Walls (ECIU vice chair), Jan-Ingvar Jönsson (treasurer) and Tom Veldkamp (coordinator for Erasmus and the ECIU University).

The new presidium will work closely together during the transition from a network of universities towards a common future as a functioning European university that collaborates in an open European ecosystem of industry and small and medium-sized companies, non-governmental organisations, regions and municipalities.

ECIU received the green light from the European Commission in June 2019 to start the first European virtual university. The university has been charged with providing education that is interdisciplinary and challenge-driven, and that contributes to solving societal challenges.

The ECIU presidium plays a decisive role in communicating the ECIU University Vision 2030 internally within the ECIU and externally to stakeholders. It will also be crucial in accelerating the process of achieving the vision.

The ECIU Board must determine important strategic directions in the coming months. ECIU president Màrius Martínez is convinced that he can depend on the ability of a strong presidium to lead the process of change:

“It’s a great honour for me to have three major vice-chancellors from our universities with me. We will work together to build an innovative European university with the DNA of the network in its foundation: We will challenge conventional thinking and have an important and real effect both in Europe the rest of the world”, says Màrius Martínez in a statement from the ECIU.


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