28 February 2020

A role-playing game in climate change, presentations of ongoing doctoral projects, and creative collaboration exercises on the ice. The participants at the FoES meeting in Luleå 26-27 February 2020 were greeted with a programme full of activity.

Conference Forskarskola Energisystem Luleå 26-27/2 2020.
Jonas Zetterholm, LTU, during the role-play "Climate action simulation". Photo credit: Mikael Sönne 

Difficult but rewarding

We managed +2 degrees – just about. And we had to turn down growth in the economy as much as possible to get there. This was the result of the role-playing game “Climate action simulation”, which occupied the complete morning session of the Luleå meeting’s second day.

Different groups in the role-play.

The participants were allocated to groups that represented, for example, industry/trade, energy companies, and eco-warriors, with the task of limiting climate change as much as possible. The game simulated the period between the present and the year 2100. Factors with possible impact on the environment were, for example, transport, energy economy measures, the use of new types of energy source, and emissions from industry.

The exercise was illuminating, and the results left much to be desired. For a while, the result of the suggested actions pushed the climate in the wrong direction – an increase from 2.7 degrees to 3 degrees. The two-degree target was only managed at the last gasp.

“Remember that no matter what we decide, we are the ones who will suffer the consequences most intensely”, said Lars Herre, from the group of developing countries, as he reduced the expected level of economic growth.

To be used in teaching

Some conclusions from the simulation, which can be seen on the internet, are that isolated measures are not enough to reduce the greenhouse effect. A combination of several initiatives will be needed. There is also a clear correlation between our lifestyle and climate change, where even small changes can play an important role. The technical solutions needed are already available: all that’s needed is to start using them.

In the evening, on the ice.

“A useful and thought-provoking role-playing game. I know that several people in the network are interested in using it in teaching”, was the conclusion of FoES director, Magnus Karlsson.

Several ongoing research projects were presented at the Luleå meeting. Work with social media was discussed, and separate meetings held for doctoral students and senior researchers.

In the evening, the participants enjoyed a dinner in a tent on the ice outside of central Luleå. It was preceded by a group exercise in collaboration and problem solving. Creative, fun and cold – stars shone brightly in the night sky and the thermometer showed -15 degrees.

Translated by George Farrants

More material

Some photos from the meeting are presented below.

Lars Herre’s presentation of his research project

An article from the meeting in Lund, November 2019


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