Christopher Jouannet

Universitetslektor, Docent



Magnus Landberg, Christopher Jouannet, Magnus Sethson, David Lundström, Petter Krus (2025) An Actuator for Multiple Variable Camber Trailing Edge Flaps
Erick Espinosa-Juárez, Christopher Jouannet, Kristian Amadori (2025) An Economical Viability Exploration of Three Sustainable Regional Aircraft Concepts in Sweden


Sofia Schön, Carina Marcus, Kristian Amadori, Christopher Jouannet (2021) Integration of Multi-Fidelity Models with Agent-Based Simulation for System of Systems Proceedings of the AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, Virtual Event, 2nd - 6th August, 2021. (Konferensbidrag) Vidare till DOI
Ludvig Knöös Franzén, Ingo Staack, Petter Krus, Christopher Jouannet, Kristian Amadori (2021) A Breakdown of System of Systems Needs Using Architecture Frameworks, Ontologies and Description Logic Reasoning Aerospace, Vol. 8 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Ludvig Knöös Franzén, Sofia Schön, Athanasios Papageorgiou, Ingo Staack, Johan Ölvander, Petter Krus, Kristian Amadori, Christopher Jouannet (2020) A System of Systems Approach for Search and Rescue Missions
