Christopher Jouannet

Universitetslektor, Docent



Erick Espinosa-Juárez, Christopher Jouannet, Kristian Amadori (2025) An Economical Viability Exploration of Three Sustainable Regional Aircraft Concepts in Sweden


Sofia Schön, Carina Marcus, Kristian Amadori, Christopher Jouannet (2021) Integration of Multi-Fidelity Models with Agent-Based Simulation for System of Systems Proceedings of the AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, Virtual Event, 2nd - 6th August, 2021. (Konferensbidrag) Vidare till DOI
Ludvig Knöös Franzén, Ingo Staack, Petter Krus, Christopher Jouannet, Kristian Amadori (2021) A Breakdown of System of Systems Needs Using Architecture Frameworks, Ontologies and Description Logic Reasoning Aerospace, Vol. 8 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Ludvig Knöös Franzén, Sofia Schön, Athanasios Papageorgiou, Ingo Staack, Johan Ölvander, Petter Krus, Kristian Amadori, Christopher Jouannet (2020) A System of Systems Approach for Search and Rescue Missions


Ludvig Knöös Franzén, Ingo Staack, Christopher Jouannet, Petter Krus (2019) An Ontological Approach to System of Systems Engineering in Product Development Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 162 (2019), s. 35-44 (Konferensbidrag) Vidare till DOI
