
Vamsi Moparthi

Studier av Myc-proteiner

Myc-proteiner är multifunktionella, eftersom de spelar en roll i cellcykelprogression, apoptos och cellulär transformationsprocess. Myc-proteiner fungerar som en universell uppregulator eller genuttryck, förutom tidiga gener i celler. Deregulerade Myc-proteiner leder till oreglerat uttryck av många gener som leder till att transformera normal cell till cancercell. Således anses Myc-proteiner starkt som ett lovande mål för läkemedel mot cancer. Dessa proteiner hör till Myc-familjen av transkriptionsfaktorer och innehåller en grundläggande helix-loop-helix struktur och leucin zipper motiv. Dessa motiv spelar en viktig roll i Myc-interaktioner med DNA och andra transkriptionsfaktorer. Myc-proteiner verkar både som en transkriptionsfaktor och transkriptionell repressor och spelar en direkt roll i kontrollen av DNA-replikationsprocessen. Myc aktiveras vid olika mitogena signaler, såsom serumstimulering eller genom Wnt, Shh och EGF-vägar. Fel i Myc-proteiner har hittats i karcinom i livmoderhalsen, tjocktarmen, bröst, lunga och mage.


Mitt forskningsprojekt är inriktat på strukturella funktionsstudier av Myc oncoproteins. Jag är intresserad av att studera deras interaktioner och hur de reglerar olika cellprocesser.

Kristallstruktur av Myc och Max i komplex med DNA (Protein Data Bank Ids är listade som 1A93, 1EE4, 1MVO, 1NKP, 2A93, 2OR9 och 4Y7R)



Lavanya Moparthi, Viktor Sinica, Vamsi Moparthi, Mohamed Kreir, Thibaut Vignane, Milos R. Filipovic, Viktorie Vlachova, Peter M. Zygmunt (2022) The human TRPA1 intrinsic cold and heat sensitivity involves separate channel structures beyond the N-ARD domain Nature Communications, Vol. 13, Artikel 6113 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Vamsi Moparthi, Satish B. Moparthi, Christoph Howe, Patricia Raleiras, Jerome Wenger, Karin Stensjo (2019) Structural diffusion properties of two atypical Dps from the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme disclose interactions with ferredoxins and DNA Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, Vol. 1860, Artikel 148063 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Christoph Howe, Vamsi Moparthi, Felix M. Ho, Karina Persson, Karin Stensjo (2019) The Dps4 from Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 is a member of His-type FOC containing Dps protein class that can be broadly found among cyanobacteria PLOS ONE, Vol. 14, Artikel e0218300 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI

Selected list of publications

Peer reviewed research articles

  1. Moparthi, V.K., Li X., Vavitsas K.,Dzhygyr I., Sandh G., Stensjö K. (2016). The two Dps proteins, Npun_F3730 and Npun_F6212, are involved in light-induced oxidative stress tolerance in the N2 fixing cyanobacterium, Nostoc punctiforme. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1857(11):1766 - 1776.
  2. Sandeep B. Gaudana, Jan Zarzycki, Vamsi K. Moparthi, Cheryl A. Kerfeld. (2015). Bioinformatic analysis of the distribution of inorganic carbon Transporters and prospective targets for bioengineering to increase Ci uptake by cyanobacteria. Photosynthesis Research, Volume 126, Issue 1, Pages 99 - 109.
  3. Moparthi V.K., Brijesh Kumar, Yusra Al-Eryani, Eva Sperling, Górecki,K., Torbjörn Drakenberg, T., Hägerhäll, C. (2014). Functional role of the MrpA- and MrpD-homologous protein subunits in enzyme complexes evolutionary related to respiratory chain complex I. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, Volume 1837, Issue 1, pages 178 - 185.
  4. Virzintiene, E., Moparthi, V.K., Al-Eryani, Y., Shumbe, L., Górecki, K., Hägerhäll, C. (2013). Structure and function of the C-terminal domain of MrpA in the Bacillus subtilis Mrp-antiporter complex – the evolutionary progenitor of the long horizontal helix in complex I, FEBS Letters, Volume 587, Issue 20, Pages 3341-3347.
  5. Moparthi, V.K., Kumar, B., Mathiesen C, Hägerhäll, C. (2011). Homologous protein subunits from Escherichia coli NADH: quinone oxidoreductase can functionally replace MrpA and MrpD in Bacillus subtilis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, Volume 1807: Issue 4, Pages 427 – 436.
  6. Moparthi, V.K., Hägerhäll, C. (2011). The evolution of respiratory chain complex I from a smaller last common ancestor consisting of 11 Protein subunits. J Mol Evol, volume 72, Issue 5, Pages 484 - 497.
  7. Gustavsson, T., Trane, M., Moparthi V.K., Miklovyte, E., Moparthi, L., Górecki, K., Leiding, T., Peterson Årsköld, S, Hägerhäll, C. (2010). A cytochrome c- fusion protein domain for convenient detection, quantification and enhanced production of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli - expression and characterization of cytochrome-tagged complex I subunits. Protein Science, Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 1445 - 1460.
  8. Alexandersson, E., Danielson, JAH., Rade, J., Moparthi, V.K., Fontes, M., Kjellbom, P., Johanson, U. (2010). Transcriptional regulation of aquaporins in accessions of Arabidopsis in response to drought stress, the Plant Journal, Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages 650 - 660.

Book chapters

Moparthi, V.K., Hägerhäll, C. (2012). The book title is “A structural perspective on respiratory complex I” and chapter title is - Recruitment of the antiporter module - a key event in complex I evolution (Ed. Sazanov, L.) Springer, Part II, chapter 7, pages 123 - 146.

Peer reviewed published conference abstracts

  1. Moparthi, V.K., Howe C., Stensjö K. (2015). Functional and Structural characterization of Dps 4, Npun_F3730 in Nostoc punctiforme. 1st international solar fuel conference, P125.
  2. Moparthi, V.K., Howe C., Stensjö K. (2014). Functional and Structural characterization of ferritin-like proteins in cyanobacteria. 12th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress, P39.
  3. Sperling, E., Moparthi, V.K., Kumar, B., Al-Eryani, Y., Virzintiene, E., Hagerhall, C. (2012). The ion-translocation activities of proteins from the Mrp-antiporter family, evolutionarily related to complex I, analyzed in a Bacillus subtilis model system, BBA - Bioenergetics, Volume 1817;S61. Elsevier Science.
  4. Virzintiene, E., Shumbe, L.T., Moparthi, V.K., Al-Eryani, Y., Gorecki, K., Hagerhall, C. (2012). Structure and function of the C-terminal end of MrpA - The evolutionary progenitor of the long, membrane parallel helix domain in Complex I, BBA - Bioenergetics, Volume 1817:S62. Elsevier Science.
  5. Moparthi, V.K., Hägerhäll, C. (2010). The evolution of respiratory chain complex I from an 11-subunit last common ancestor. BBA - Bioenergetics, Volume 1797;20. Elsevier Science.
  6. Kumar, B., Moparthi, V.K., Mathiesen, C, Hägerhäll, C. (2010). Antiporter activity of the individual complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN from Escherichia coli analyzed in an in vivo model system. BBA – Bioenergetics, Volume 1797;115. Elsevier Science.
  7. Gorecki K., Drakenberg, T., Moparthi, V. K., Miklovyte E., Trane, M, Hägerhäll, C. (2010). Sodium interaction of the complex I antiporter-like subunits NuoL, M and N from Escherichia coli studied by Na-23 NMR. BBA – Bioenergetics, Volume 1797;15-16. Elsevier Science.
  8. Moparthi, VK., Hägerhäll, C (2008). Characterization of the antiporter-like subunits Nuo L, M and N from respiratory chain complex I. BBA – Bioenergetics, Volume 1777; S36. Elsevier Science.
  9. Moparthi, VK., Hägerhäll, C, (2006). The smallest functional unit of complex I is composed of 11 protein subunits. BBA – Bioenergetics, Suppl P213-214. Elsevier Science.