Europe in the World, 7.5 hp

VT 2024, Helfart, Linköping

Kursstart VT 2024
Ort Linköping
Studietakt Helfart
Nivå Grundnivå
Studieform Campusförlagd
Undervisningstid Dagtid
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Anmälningskod LIU-46528
Period 202419 - 202423
Antal platser 20

Särskilda förkunskapskrav

  • 60 hp godkända inom relevanta ämnen, t ex statsvetenskap, ekonomi, juridik, historia varav minst 30 hp inom statsvetenskap
  • Engelska 6
    Undantag ges för svenska



11100 kr - OBS! Gäller bara studenter utanför EU/EES och Schweiz.

Har du frågor om kursen, kontakta oss.

Albin Algotson, Director of studies

Viktoria Boiardt, Study Advisor

Helena Bergenstråle, Administrator


This course deals with the relations between Europe (and the European Union) and the rest of the world. The aim of the course is to provide an overview and understanding of Europe's role in the world, past and present. European nations have influenced other nations and peoples as a result of political and economic relations and through the organisation of the diplomatic system. The course covers topics, such as, nationalism, colonialism and imperialism, the organisation of international political, diplomatic and economic relations.

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