Här har vi samlat publikationer med relation till Sport Without Injury ProgrammE (SWIPE).

Vetenskapliga publikationer

Åkerlund I, Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Hagelin E, Carlfjord S, Hägglund M. “I’d rather do that (Knee Control) than be injured and not able to play”: A qualitative study on youth floorball players’ and coaches’ perspectives of how to overcome barriers for injury prevention exercise programme use.

Lindblom H, Sonesson S, Hägglund M. 'We may need some help; we are just parents who have chosen to engage in football': a qualitative study on amateur coaches’ experiences of use of and support for injury prevention training in Sweden.Inj Prev 2024 Jul 18:ip-2024-045289. doi: 10.1136/ip-2024-045289

Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Hägglund M. To play or not to play, that is the question: an interview study with amateur football coaches on perceptions of pain during sports participation.BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2024 Jul 9;10(3):e001941.  doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2024-001941.

Lindblom H, Åkerlund I, Waldén M, Sonesson S, Hägglund M. Players are positive regarding injury prevention exercise programmes, but coaches need ongoing support: a survey-based evaluation using the Health Action Process Approach model across one season in amateur and youth football. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2024 Jun 24;10(2):e002009.

Wezenberg D, Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Hägglund M. Prevalence and intensity of pain in male and female amateur football players: a prospective cohort study.J Sci Med Sport 2024 Apr;27(4):222-227

Lindblom H, Hägglund M. Motivation and goal-pursuit for injury prevention training in amateur football coaches: a cross-sectional study using the Health Action Process Approach. Inj Prev 2024 Jan 25;30(1):20-26.

Sonesson S, Lindblom M, Hägglund M. Higher age and present injury at the start of the season are risk factors for in-season injury in amateur male and female football players – a prospective cohort study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthros 2023 Oct;31(10):4618-4630.

Torvaldsson K, Lindblom H, Sonesson S, Senorski EH, Stigson H, Tamm L, Sandberg S, Hägglund M. Swedish Olympic athletes report one injury insurance claim every second year: a 22-year insurance registry-based cohort study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthros 2023 Oct;31(10):4607-4617.

Lindblom H, Waldén M, Hägglund M. Adherence to injury prevention exercise programmes in amateur adolescent and adult football: A detailed description of programme use from a randomised study. Sports Med Open 2023:9;57

Fältström A, Hägglund M, Hedevik H, Lindblom H, Kvist J. The side hop test: Validity, reliability, and quality aspects in relation to sex, age and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Phys Ther Sport 2023;62:39-45.

Lindblom H, Sonesson S, Forslind J, Waldén M, Hägglund M. Implementation of the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control+: a cross-sectional study after dissemination efforts within a football district. Inj Prev 2023;29:399-406.

Åkerlund I, Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Waldén M, Hägglund M. Perceptions, facilitators, and barriers regarding use of the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control among players and coaches in youth floorball: a cross-sectional survey study. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehab 2023;15:56.

Sonesson S, Dahlström Ö, Panagodage Perera N K, Hägglund M. Risk factors for injury and illness in youth floorball players – a prospective cohort study. Phys Ther Sports 2023;59:92-102

Asker M, Hägglund M, Waldén M, Källberg H, Skillgate E. The Effect of Shoulder and Knee Exercise Programmes on the Risk of Shoulder and Knee Injuries in Adolescent Elite Handball Players: A Three-Armed Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. Sports Med Open 2022;8:91.

Lindblom H, Sonesson S, Torvaldsson K, Waldén M, Hägglund M. Extended Knee Control programme lowers weekly hamstring, knee and ankle injury prevalence compared with an adductor strength programme or self-selected injury prevention exercises in adolescent and adult amateur football players: two-armed cluster-randomised trial with an additional comparison arm. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023;57(2):83-90.

Sonesson S, Hägglund M, Kvist J, Torvaldsson K, Lindblom H, Fältström A. Neuromuscular control and hop performance in youth and adult male and female football players. Physical Therapy in Sport 2022;13(55):189-195.

Åkerlund I, Waldén M, Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Hägglund M. High compliance with the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control is associated with a greater injury preventive effect in male, but not in female, youth floorball players. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2022;30(4):1480-1490.

Perera NKP, Waldén M, Lindblom H, Åkerlund I, Sonesson S, Hägglund M. Illness prevalence and symptoms in youth floorball players: a one-season prospective cohort study involving 471 players. BMJ Open 2021;11:e051902.

Lindblom H, Hägglund M, Sonesson S. Intra- and interrater reliability of subjective assessment of the drop vertical jump and tuck jump in youth athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport 2021;47:156-164.

Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Hägglund M. Performance on sprint, agility and jump test have moderate to strong correlations in youth football players but performance tests are weakly correlated to neuromuscular control tests. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2021;29:1659-1669.

Lindblom H, Waldén M, Carlfjord S, Hägglund M. Limited positive effects on jump-landing technique in girls but not in boys after 8 weeks of injury prevention exercise training in youth football. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2020;28:528-537.

Åkerlund I, Waldén M, Sonesson S, Hägglund M. Forty-five per cent lower acute injury incidence but no effect on overuse injury prevalence in youth floorball players (aged 12-17 years) who used an injury prevention exercise programme: two-armed parallel-group cluster randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020;54:1028-1035.

Perera NKP, Hägglund M. We have the injury prevention exercise programme, but how well do youth follow it? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports 2020;23:463-468.

Lindblom H, Waldén M, Hägglund M. Performance effects with injury prevention exercise programmes in male youth football players: a randomised trial comparing two interventions. Sports Medicine Open 2020;6(1):56.

Perera NKP, Åkerlund I, Hägglund M. Motivation for sports participation, injury prevention expectations, injury risk perceptions and health problems in youth floorball players. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2019;27:3722-3732.

Ljunggren G, Perera NKP, Hägglund M. Inter-rater reliability in assessing exercise fidelity for the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control in youth football players. Sports Medicine Open 2019;5(1):35.

Åman M, Larsen K, Forssblad M, Näsmark A, Waldén M, Hägglund M. A nationwide follow-up survey on the effectiveness of an implemented neuromuscular training program to reduce acute knee injuries in soccer players. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2018;6(12): 2325967118813841

Lindblom H, Carlfjord S, Hägglund M. Adoption and use of an injury prevention exercise program in female football: A qualitative study among coaches. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2018;28:1295-1303.

Hägglund M, Waldén M. Risk factors for acute knee injury in female youth football. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2016;24:737-46.

Lindblom H, Waldén M, Carlfjord S, Hägglund M. Implementation of a neuromuscular training programme in female adolescent football: 3-year follow-up study after a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014;48:1425-30.

Hägglund M, Atroshi I, Wagner P, Waldén M. Superior compliance with a neuromuscular training programme is associated with fewer ACL injuries and fewer acute knee injuries in female adolescent football players: secondary analysis of an RCT. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013;47:974-979.

Lindblom H, Waldén M, Hägglund M. No effect on performance tests from a neuromuscular warm-up programme in youth female football: a randomised controlled trial. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2012;20:2116-23.

Waldén M, Atroshi I, Magnusson H, Wagner P, Hägglund M. Prevention of acute knee injuries in adolescent female football players: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2012;344:e3042.

Hägglund M, Waldén M, Atroshi I. Preventing knee injuries in adolescent female football players - design of a cluster randomized controlled trial [NCT00894595]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2009 Jun 23;10:75.


Lindblom H, Waldén M, Atroshi I, Näsmark A, Hägglund M. The Knee Control prevention programme. Return to Play in Football: An Evidence-Based Approach. Editors Musahl, Karlsson, Krutsch, Mandelbaum, D'Hooghe, Espregueira-Mendes. ESSKA Springer, March 2018.

Populärvetenskapliga artiklar

Hägglund M, Lindblom H, Sonesson S, Waldén M, Åkerlund I, Torvaldsson K, Forslind J, Wezenberg D. Projektsammanfattning: Färre fotbollsskador med ett vidareutvecklat Knäkontrollprogram

Lindblom H, Sonesson S, Hägglund M. Halverad skaderisk om evidensbaserade skadeförebyggande träningsprogram följs. Fysioterapi 2022;3.

Hägglund M, Waldén M, Åkerlund I, Asker M, Lindblom H, Sonesson S. Knäkontroll – en skadeförebyggande resa. Idrottsmedicin 2021;3.

Åkerlund I, Waldén M, Sonesson S, Hägglund M. Knäkontroll minskar kraftigt risken för skador i ungdomsinnebandy. Idrottsforskning 2020

O’Brien J, Hägglund M, Bizzini M. Implementing injury prevention: the rocky road from RCT to real-world injury reduction. Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal 2018.

Lindblom H, Hägglund M. Hur införs skadeförebyggande program inom idrott? Svensk Idrottsmedicin 2015;1:8-11.

Hägglund M. Idrott, knäskador och artros. En icke önskvärd påföljd som dock kan undvikas. Vaskulär Medicin 2013;29:124-29.

Hägglund M, Waldén M. Regelbunden träning minskar risk för skador. Svensk Idrottsmedicin 2013;3:17-20.

Waldén M, Hägglund M. Knee injuries – diagnostics, treatment and prevention. Dansk Sportsmedicin, 2012;4:24-26.

Hägglund M, Waldén M. Knäskador hos idrottande tjejer – hur kan de förebyggas? Svensk Idrottsmedicin 2012:3.

Hägglund M. Prevention av idrottsskador. Fysioterapi 2011;8:36-42.
