Professor Emeritus, Head of Unit
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The aim of the TextAD research project at Linköping University is to better understand different types of reading difficulty. This knowledge can then be used to develop digital tools that automatically adapt texts to the needs of readers.
Modern linguistic theory and machine learning will help Swedish government agencies make themselves understood on the internet. Vinnova is investing just over nine million Swedish crowns into a research project led by LiU professor Arne Jönsson.
The goal of the research project is to make it easier for writers to create texts that are easier to understand. This is achieved by creating a web service in which a number of tools for linguistic analysis and processing of texts are made available.
The project is based on the challenge that it will be to ensure that all citizens are included in the digital society that requires an ever-increasing degree of access to services and information on the internet.
The Division for Human-Centered Systems is part of the Department of Computer and Information Science. Research and teaching are conducted in the areas of human-centered computing, cognitive science, and information systems.
The Department of Computer and Information Science is one of the largest departments in northern Europe in its field. Research activity covers artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, software and computer systems, and data science.