Photo of Johannes Klaus Fichte

Johannes Klaus Fichte

Associate Professor

My research interest is in computational algorithmics, complexity, and practical applications thereof, including implementations of parameterized algorithms for various combinatorial hard problems.

My research

My research interest is in computational algorithmics, complexity, and practical applications thereof, including implementations of parameterized algorithms for various combinatorial hard problems. I focus on model counting propositional formulas and various formalisms in AI, the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT), and answer-set programming (ASP). I have an industry background in applications of data analysis and evaluation in health care.

See my Google Scholar or DBLP for more information and recent publications.




Johannes Klaus Fichte, Thomas Eiter, Hecher Markus, Stefan Woltran (2024) Epistemic Logic Programs: Non-Ground and Counting Complexity Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'24)
Johannes Klaus Fichte, Arne Meier, Irena Schindler (2024) Strong Backdoors for Default Logic ACM Transactions on Computational Logic Continue to DOI
Johannes Klaus Fichte, Geibinger Tobias, Hecher Markus, Schlögel Matthias (2024) Parallel Empirical Evaluations: Resilience despite Concurrency Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Continue to DOI
Johannes Klaus Fichte, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Markus Hecher, Dominik Rusovac (2024) IASCAR: Incremental Answer Set Counting by Anytime Refinement Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Continue to DOI


Johannes Klaus Fichte, Daniel Le Berre, Markus Hecher, Stefan Szeider (2023) The Silent (R)evolution of SAT Communications of the ACM, Vol. 66, p. 64-72 Continue to DOI

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